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Regional Advisory Council

The Oklahoma Homeland Security Act established in accordance with Oklahoma State Statute, Title 74, Sections 51.1 through 4 (April 26, 2004) creates the Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security (OK.OHS). The duties and responsibilities of the Office are to develop and coordinate the implementation and administration of a comprehensive statewide strategy to secure the State of Oklahoma from the results of acts of terrorism, from a public health emergency, from cyberterrorism, and from weapons of mass destruction, and to perform other duties assigned by the Governor.

The Homeland Security Regional Advisory Council's (RAC) are established in accordance with the above listed Statute at Chapter 3A, Section 51.3, which requires the creation of regional planning and coordination advisory councils for homeland security. The duties and responsibilities of the RAC shall be:

•Assessing and documenting the needs of the region related to homeland security.

•Coordinating and cooperating with the OK.OHS to achieve the strategic objectives prescribed in the Oklahoma Security Act.

•Other duties and responsibilities as determined by the OKOHS Director. 

Each RAC shall be composed of the following members:

A Chief of a paid Fire Department

A representative of a state or local disaster relief agency

A Chief of a volunteer Fire Department

A City Manager or Mayor

A County Sheriff

A County Commissioner

A Chief of a Police Department

A Public Health representative

A Physician or Hospital Administrator

A Council of Government representative

An Emergency Management Coordinator

A representative of a public school district

An Emergency Medical Services Provider

A representative of an institution of higher learning

A Veterinarian


Ty Bremerman

Cybersecurity & Planning Coordinator
(405) 365-2753

Last Modified on Jun 13, 2024