Statewide Interoperability Coordinator (SWIC)

Roles & Responsibilities
The SWIC is responsible for the daily operations of the State's interoperability efforts. Primarily, the SWIC's implementation efforts will be guided by the initiatives outlined in the National Emergency Communications Plan (NECP) and the Statewide Communications Interoperability Plan (SCIP). As implementation proceeds, the SWIC will seek guidance, input, and recommendations from the joint efforts of the Statewide Interoperability Governing Body (SIGB), State agencies, and regional governance entities. The SWIC's roles and responsibilities as the central coordination point for the state play a critical role in the statewide interoperability effort.
SWICs formally serve as members of the National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC), a national governance body established to assist State and territory interoperability coordinates with promoting the critical importance of interoperable communications and best practice within their States and nationally. SWICs often help develop and deliver reports to legislators and Governor's offices to help build relationships and an understanding of communication challenges with those involved in the State's interoperability efforts.
The SWIC's role will be key in the Broadband Outreach initiative. The SWIC will assist with the development of quality resources for educating stakeholders on the impact of public safety broadband, incorporate feedback from key public safety forum of stakeholders, and support stakeholders in securing, managing, and sustaining grant funding opportunities. The SWIC will also assist with the State's outreach and education program on the broadband plan.
As communications technologies continue to advance, interoperable communications challenges increase and as such the SWIC roles importance increases. To meet and stay abreast of these challenges, OKOHS recently expanded its staffing to include a Deputy SWIC.

What is the SCIP?
The Statewide Communication Interoperability Plan (SCIP) is a locally-driven, multi-jurisdictional, multi-disciplinary statewide plan to enhance emergency communications. The purpose of the Oklahoma SCIP is to serve as a central point of reference and operational roadmap for stakeholders committed to meeting the standard of public safety interoperable communications that the state has established. The SCIP outlines Oklahoma’s vision and mission for statewide interoperable communications and the goals and objectives required to achieve that vision. The goals and objectives in this plan are aligned with SAFECOM’s Interoperability Continuum while remaining relevant to Oklahoma's specific needs.
The Oklahoma SCIP parallels a nationwide effort to enhance interoperable communications supported by the US Department of Homeland Security's Office of Emergency Communications (OEC). The SCIP also reflects the state’s commitment to aligning with the National Emergency Communication Plan (NECP).
The SCIP is a living document reflecting past initiatives, describing current actions, and projecting plans to move towards an optimal level of interoperability throughout the state. It will be updated annually to reflect adjustments made to interoperability planning and to highlight goals that have been achieved.