Regional Response System
State of the Art...One of a Kind

The Oklahoma Regional Response System was developed by the Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security (OKOHS) and currently consists of 113 specialized resources located throughout the state of Oklahoma. More than $35 million in U.S. Department of Homeland Security (U.S. DHS) grant funding has been used for this project.
The system is comprised of different levels of specialized units capable of responding to chemical, biological, radioactive, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) incidents, agriculture emergencies, technical rescue incidents and natural disasters. The Regional Response System units are standardized across the state and contain interoperable communications devices providing for more effective and efficient training, exercising and response.
Participating state and local agencies across Oklahoma have agreed to respond to local, regional and statewide public safety incidents. These agencies have designated team members representing multiple jurisdictions that participate in their response team.The local community or state agency has primary responsibility for the unit including storage, maintenance and replenishment of supplies, and ensuring the team members are trained to the required level.

Regional Response System Training
OKOHS provides training to all Regional Response System teams. The training courses have been specifically developed for the Regional Response System and have been approved by the Department of Homeland Security's Training and Exercise Integration Division. All Regional Response System courses are delivered at no cost and are scheduled to meet the needs of the response agencies.
All Regional CBRNE teams are required to have 20 team members, with at least five (5) Hazardous materials Operations Level members and 15 Hazardous Materials Technician Level members.
All Intermediate CBRNE teams are required to have nine (9) team members, with at least two (2) Operations level and seven (7) technician level team members. All Rescue teams are required to have nine (9) team members with all being Hazardous Materials Operations level.
For Intermediate Technical Rescue Trailers, each team member must be trained to Hazardous Materials Operations and complete the following rescue courses: Structural Collapse Operations, Rope Operations I & II, Trench Rescue and Confined Space Rescue.
In the event that a Regional Response System resource is needed, contact the Oklahoma Emergency Management office at (800) 800-2481.
Contact Information
Mike Mahoney
Regional Response System Coordinator
(405) 425-7453