Training & Exercise Coordinator
(405) 425-7512

The Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security's Training and Exercise Division encompasses many aspects of preparedness, training, exercise, and response. OKOHS provides tailored training and exercises for Oklahoma responders to enhance the capacity of the state, as well as county and local jurisdictions to prevent, protect, respond and recover safely and effectively to incidents of terrorism involving weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and all-hazard events.
Specifically, OKOHS training is designed to meet the varying needs of Oklahoma first responders. This includes training multiple jurisdictions and multiple disciplines, through an all-hazards approach at the awareness, performance and planning/management levels. OKOHS also focuses on employing the most appropriate mediums and vehicles for course delivery to the target audience. These venues include:
- Direct Delivery (In State)
- Resident Delivery (Out of State)
- Train-the-Trainer
- Video Teleconferencing
- Computer-Based Training
- Web-Based Training (Future)
OKOHS uses local training providers, such as Oklahoma State University Fire Service Training (OSU-FST), and some out-of-state providers to deliver training. OKOHS also uses the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) National Training Consortium Partners, for specialized direct delivery courses in Oklahoma and in resident programs, both with no cost to responders. In addition, OKOHS has developed several state courses that endured a rigorous validation process before delivery and continuous assessment once training deliveries are initiated.
Over 2500 First Responders Trained in 2022!
Providing tailored training and exercises for Oklahoma’s first responders.

Oklahoma Regional Response System
The Regional Response System is managed within the Training and Exercise Division of OKOHS. All training needed for the Regional Response System is provided free of cost to the units. Training is provided through Oklahoma State University-Fire Service Training (OSU-FST).
For additional information regarding the training provided to the Regional Response System, please visit the OSU-FST's Events Calendar.

Foundations of Targeted Violence Prevention
The Department of Homeland Security, (DHS) Office of Intelligence and Analysis, National Threat Evaluation and Reporting (NTER) Office has partnered with the Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) to release an eLearning module for the public titled, “Foundations of Targeted Violence Prevention".
Length: ~1 hour
Audience: Federal, State, Local, Tribal, Territorial, and Private Sector Homeland Security Partners and Community Members
Goal: To educate the public on threatening or potentially concerning behaviors and where to report them, providing an opportunity for intervention to prevent targeted violence from occurring. It seeks to assist in preventing targeted violence by empowering community members to:
- Recognize threats or potentially concerning behaviors
- Understand what behaviors may be displayed by a person who is on a pathway to violence
- Learn where to report information of concern
- Understand how the information reported will be used to keep our community safe

Consortium Training
The National Domestic Preparedness Consortium (NDPC) is the principal vehicle through which Department of Homeland Security/FEMA National Preparedness Directorate (NPD) identifies, develops, tests and delivers training to state and local emergency responders. Most courses are available as a direct delivery in which instructors travel to Oklahoma and conduct courses. Resident delivery courses are also an option which involves the student traveling to the training site. With either delivery method, there is no cost for the instruction of the courses.
Visit the Consortium Training page for additional details.
The Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium has additional information on training and resources for emergency first responders, with an emphasis on rural areas.