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Programs and Resources

The Oklahoma School Security Institute provides an assortment of programs and resources to promote and enhance school safety and security.

Risk & Vulnerability Assessments

Utilizing their law enforcement background as well as their training in Crime Prevention by Environmental Design, each staff member of the Oklahoma School Security Institute can provide Risk & Vulnerability Assessments to school sites in their region.

Risk and Vulnerability Assessments are performed at No Cost and include:

  • A Site Visit from an OSSI Staff Member on a traditional school day to observe the normal activities around the school.
  • A List of school security best practices in each area assessed by the OSSI Staff.
  • A Campus Overview including a tour of the school with notation on the security practices in place that are working well for the site as well as notation on threats, hazards, and vulnerabilities observed at the site
  • A Review of the school's policies and procedures with recommendations to strengthen language or processes if needed.
  • Recommendations that are either no cost or low cost for the school site to reduce risk and increase the overall security of the site.

Everyone deserves to feel safe at school, which is why we joined with the Oklahoma School Security Institute to launch ProtectOK, a new safety app that’s easy to use and free to download.

The ProtectOK app consolidates all suspicious activity reporting into one easy-to-use platform. The app allows users to report suspicious activity without giving a name, making anonymous reporting easy.

Keep your school connected and protected with the free ProtectOK app.

Tools & Resources

OSSI recognizes that there is no one solution to ending school violence and each Oklahoma School is unique in their approach to school safety and security. Therefore, we have created a resource page to provide schools with security information and safety practices from across the spectrum. These resources include those provided by government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and school districts.

Our programs and resources are available for all Oklahoma public, private, non-profit, and charter schools as well as technology centers and are provided at No Cost.

Resources Provided By the U.S. Government

The the safety and security of students in the United States has always been a priority by our state and federal government and government officials have tasked multiple state and federal agencies, such as OSSI, to oversee this priority. The resources in this section have been provided from those agencies and are all research-based, evidence-based, or best practices.

FEMA - Developing School Emergency Operations Plans
- Collaborating with multiple federal agencies, the Federal Emergency Management Agency created a guide to assist schools with creating a high-quality school emergency operations plan.

U.S. Secret Service - School Safety Initiative Final Report
- Finalized in 2002, the United States Secret Service completed an intense multi-decade study of school violence and provided target violence prevention strategies for schools nationwide.

Resources Provided By Non-Governmental Organizations

OSSI understands that many non-governmental organizations share the same mission to keep our students safe in schools. While OSSI does not endorse any organization, we are happy to post links to their website to keep school officials, public safety personnel, and parents aware of these resources.

'i love u guys' Foundation
Created after the Platte Canyon High School tragedy on 09/27/2006, the "I Love U Guys" Foundation was created to restore and protect the joy of youth through educational programs and positive actions in collaboration with families, schools, communities, organizations, and government entities.

NASRO: National Association of School Resource Officers
Founded in 1991, NASRO is the world's leader in school-based policing and is dedicated to providing the highest quality of training to school-based law enforcement officers in order to promote safer schools and safer kids.

OKASRO: Oklahoma Association of School Resource Officers
Formed under NASRO in 1991, OKASRO strives to promote and advance school resource officer programs across the State of Oklahoma as well as promote the concept that school-based policing is a valuable asset of law enforcement and the educational process.

SSAC: School Safety Advocacy Council
Founded in 2004, the mission of the SSAC is to train and facilitate partnerships between the school staff, parents, law enforcement, and the community to effectively deal with the issues of child safety both within the school and the community.

Table Tops
OSSI recommends using table top exercises to ensure your staff is familiar with your emergency operations plan. These exercises can be done during a faculty meeting or during professional development training. Table top exercises are useful for finding weaknesses in your plan before an actual emergency occurs.

RAO Drill Requirements
This form was provided by the Oklahoma State Department of Education, Regional Accreditation Officers.

Contact Information


Mike Fike
Director, Threat Response Preparedness Division

Last Modified on Sep 25, 2024
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