State Incident Management Coordinator
(405) 227-4701
NIMS Training
NEW! EMI Transcript and Certificate Lookup

Advanced NIMS Courses (ICS-300 and ICS-400)
The Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security (OKOHS) has partnered with OSU-FST to provide Intermediate and Advanced level NIMS ICS training to Oklahoma's responders. Currently scheduled classes may be viewed by visiting our Training Calendar.
Certificates for ICS-300 and ICS-400 can be obtained through OSUFST on their website If you do not have a login, please contact them at 405-744-5727.
You may host a NIMS course at any time by submitting a Course Request Form via email to April Keeler at least 6 weeks in advance of the start date, to allow adequate time for materials to be produced and instructors to be scheduled.

Basic NIMS Courses
The EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE for FEMA Independent Study Programs (IS) offers self-paced NIMS and Emergency Management courses designed for people who have emergency response and/or management responsibilities. All courses are offered free-of-charge, 24-hours a day, to those who qualify for enrollment.
Before you begin IS training, you are required to obtain a FEMA Student Identification Number (SID). If you do not have an SID number, please follow this link:
After successful completion of the online course and test, a certificate will be emailed directly to you from FEMA.

NIMS Training Progression
Dispatcher / Communications Operator
- IS – 100 Introduction to the Incident Command System
- IS – 700 An Introduction to the National Incident Management System
- IS – 200 Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response
- Optional: IS - 144 Telecommunications Emergency Response Taskforce (TERT)
Communications Supervisor
- IS – 100 Introduction to the Incident Command System
- IS – 700 An Introduction to the National Incident Management System
- IS – 200 Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response
- IS – 800 National Response Framework, an Introduction
- Optional: IS - 144 Telecommunications Emergency Response Taskforce (TERT)
- Optional: NIMS-300 (depending on the responsibilities assigned to you)
All Incident Personnel
All incident personnel working within the ICS should complete the following courses for foundational knowledge of incident response. These courses are typically completed by entry-level personnel during their recruit or basic training for the position they hold.
- IS – 100 Introduction to the Incident Command System
- IS – 700 An Introduction to the National Incident Management System
Incident Personnel with Leadership Responsibility
All incident personnel working within the ICS should complete the following courses for foundational knowledge of incident response. These courses are typically completed by entry level personnel during their recruit or basic training for the position they hold.
- IS - 100 Introduction to the Incident Command System
- IS – 700 An Introduction to the National Incident Management System
- IS – 200 Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response
- IS – 800 National Response Framework, an Introduction
Incident Personnel Designated as Leaders/Supervisors
Leaders/Supervisors can either be individuals who’s paid, or volunteer position involves the leading or supervising or others or any incident personnel filling an ICS leader/supervisory position (e.g., Division/Group Supervisors, Branch Directors, Section Chiefs, Incident Commander, and Command Staff positions). Leaders who could be responsible in complex incidents should complete this level of training. These courses apply higher-level concepts, methods, and tools for larger, more complex incidents.
- IS – 100 Introduction to the Incident Command System
- IS – 700 An Introduction to the National Incident Management System
- IS – 200 Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response
- IS – 800 National Response Framework, an Introduction
- ICS – 300 Intermediate Incident Command System for Expanding Incidents
- ICS – 400 Advanced ICS

Documentation of Training
Jurisdictions should keep records of employee/volunteer NIMS training. All individuals who successfully complete a FEMA Basic NIMS Course receive a certificate in their email. The jurisdiction's POC can keep records in any format they choose so long as proof of training can be obtained.