2012 Global Messages
Posted |
Subject |
Message |
12/27/2012 | Change to Call Center Operations | Title: Change to Call Center Operations Run Date: 12/21/2012 – 02/10/2013 PV Types: All Beginning December 21, 2012 OHCA is making changes to its call center operations. For faster service, please use OHCA’s SoonerCare Secure web site or Member Eligibility Verification Voice Response System for all claims status and eligibility inquiries. Thank you for your cooperation. Please make sure all parties involved with Claims submission and eligibility verification have access to your secure site and EVR information. This transition does not affect the Pharmacy Help Desk calls. |
12/13/2012 | Behavioral Health PA Training | Title: Behavioral Health PA Training Run Date: 12/13/2012 – 02/01/2013 PV Type: 11, 53 SPC: 110, 112, 121, 115, 535, 536, 585 Dear Outpatient Behavioral Health Provider, |
12/5/2012 | RETRACTION - Diabetic Strips & Lancets for Gestational Diabetes | Title: RETRACTION - Diabetic Strips & Lancets for Gestational Diabetes Run Date: 12/05/2012 – 03/31/2013 PV Types: DME Providers - 25; Physicians - 31 Message: RETRACTION to Global Message dated 09/24/2012 re: Diabetic Strips & Lancets for Gestational Diabetes OHCA Policy does not allow for exceptions for additional supplies without prior authorization for specific diagnosis codes. |
11/30/2012 | Service Code H2017 | After consulting with providers, infant mental health experts, and the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse (ODMHSAS) regarding the service code H2017 (psychosocial rehabilitation services – per 15 minutes), OHCA in consultation with ODMHSAS has decided to deny all claims with dates of service on or after 12-01-2012, submitted for H2017 for children aged 0-3 years old. Those who reviewed the use of H2017 agree that the medical necessity criteria cannot be met for members within that age range. Questions may be directed to Provider Services at 1-800-522-0114 |
11/29/2012 | Adjustments/TPL Webinar |
Title: Adjustments/TPL Webinar Run Dates: 11/29/2012 – 12/12/2012 PV Types: All PLEASE JOIN US FOR THE ADJUSTMENTS/TPL WEBINAR ON December 13, 2012! OHCA and HPES will host a webinar/conference call for all providers to review the correct process for submission of Adjustments and Third Party Liability (TPL) claims. The webinar/conference call will give detailed instructions and insight for these transactions on the secure site for SoonerCare providers. The webinar will take place via online virtual room and conference call on December 13th at 2:30 pm. Registration is limited, so register today! |
11/2/2012 | Behavioral Health PA Restart | Title: Behavioral Health PA Restart Run Date: 11/02/2012 – 01/30/2013 PV Type: 11, 53 SPC: 110, 112, 121, 115, 535, 536, 585 Dear Outpatient Behavioral Health Provider, The process for prior authorization for outpatient behavioral health services will restart on 1/15/2013. Working with OHCA, this process will be handled by ODMHSAS in PICIS and will be done by adding a few data elements to the CDC. For customers active prior to 1/15/2013, ODMHSAS will create authorizations based on existing CDC information. We will have a large number of webinar trainings over the coming months. During those trainings, we will be able to show you the additional information required, the process to follow and explain how authorizations were created for existing customers. For those providers who have data systems which send CDC data to PICIS, we have begun working with your vendors. We are pleased with their willingness to work with us through these changes. We hope your experience with PICIS provides you with the confidence that we will do everything possible to ensure authorizations are created timely, so that there will be no lapse in payment. We would also like to thank OHCA staff who have been very generous with their time and expertise. If you would like to receive email updates about changes in PICIS, please go to https://oklahoma.gov/odmhsas to subscribe. Respectfully, Mark A. Reynolds, Ed.D. |
10/24/2012 | X-rays Submitted for Dental PAs | Title: X-rays Submitted for Dental PAs Run Date: 10/24/2012 – 12/14/2012 PV Types: Dental – 27 Spc: 086 - Dental Clinic 1. Only original film has an orientation dimple; therefore any print must identify a tooth of interest number or indicate which side of mouth is captured [L for left side, R for right side]. Please do not mark on teeth. This applies to any digital or film print that does not have the dimple for orientation. Any copies submitted that do not meet the above criteria cannot be reviewed. Please review policy 317:30-5-698(d). |
10/22/2012 | Enteral Food Prior Authorization Timespan Changes | Title: Enteral Food Prior Authorization Timespan Changes Run Dates: 10/22/2012 – 12/31/2012 PV Types: 250 – DME/Medical Supply Dealers Effective January 1, 2013, the MAU staff will begin approving Enteral prior authorization requests (PARs) for a maximum timespan of 6 months. In the past, we approved the PARs for up to 1 year. However, due to the changing needs of the member, many times the requests had to be terminated so a new request could be entered for the member. Therefore, we believe it will be beneficial to the staff reviewing / modifying these requests, as well as the member, to shorten the timespan to 6 months. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter. |
10/22/2012 | Deadline for Enteral Food Prior Authorization Revisions due to Pricing Methodology Change 10/31/12 | TITLE: Deadline for Enteral Food Prior Authorization Revisions due to Pricing Methodology Change 10/31/12 Run Date: 10/12/12 – 10/31/12 PV TYPES: 250- DMEPOS Suppliers The original notice of the changes to pricing and instructions for obtaining a revised PA was sent on 7/18/12. The deadline for this option is October 31, 2012. Providers must submit the documentation necessary to the fax # listed below to have the prior authorization revised. Excerpt from Global Message sent 7/18/12 The following codes were changed from Max fee to Manual Pricing to align with PDAC: B4157 – B4158 – B4159 – B4160 – B4161 – B4162. Effective immediately all requests for codes listed above must contain number of calories per can/packet, an invoice stating if priced per can/packet or case. If priced by case, state number of cans/packet per case. If you have Prior Authorizations that span service dates after 7/1/12, please send a list including Member ID, Prior Authorization number, number of units to be billed after 7/1/2012, a copy of your invoice and the information listed above regarding invoice information and caloric information so that OHCA can adjust the Prior Authorization appropriately. Please fax the detailed lists to 405-530-3261. Lists submitted to any other fax number will not be processed. This is a temporary number established for this purpose only and may not be used for any other Prior Authorization requests. |
10/18/2012 | Reminder: Cost Reports Due for SFY12 |
Title: Reminder: Cost Reports Due for SFY12 Run Date: 10/17/2012 – 11/01/2012 PV Types: 03 & Spc 030 (NF) Attention: All Long Term Care Facility Providers - Cost Reports for SFY12 are due by October 31, 2012. According to the approved State Plan, facilities late in filing Cost Reports may lose the direct care component of their rate. Full year reports are required to be filed on the secure website and partial year reports are required to be filed on the form available on the OHCA public website. |
10/17/2012 | Reminder: 2012 Fall Training Registration |
Title: Reminder: 2012 Fall Training Registration PV Types: All Run Date: 10/17/2012 – 10/23/2012 Registration for the Oklahoma City Fall Workshop [scheduled for October 24-25, 2012] will close at 5:00 PM effective 10/17/2012. Walk-in registration will be allowed at this location beginning at 8:00 a.m. on October 24th & 25th. Workshops will begin at 8:30 a.m. Information and registration is available on our Training page. We look forward to seeing you this Fall! |
10/10/2012 | Adjustments/TPL Webinar | TITLE: Adjustments/TPL Webinar RUN DATE: 10/10/12-10/15/12 PF TYPE: All Provider Types PLEASE JOIN US FOR THE ADJUSTMENTS/TPL WEBINAR ON OCTOBER 17TH! OHCA and HPES will host a webinar/conference call for all providers to review the correct process for submission of Adjustments and Third Party Liability (TPL) claims. The webinar/conference call will give detailed instructions and insight for these transactions on the secure site for SoonerCare providers. Register today! Information is available on our Training page. Registration is available at: (Expired Link) |
9/24/2012 | Diabetic Strips & Lancets for Gestational Diabetes |
Title: Diabetic Strips & Lancets for Gestational Diabetes Run Date: 09/21/2012 – 11/05/2012 PV Types: DME Providers - 25; Physicians - 31 Message: For all PA-related questions, please call the Call Tree at (800)522-0114. |
9/12/2012 | 2012 Fall Training Registration | Title: Reminder: 2012 Fall Training Registration PV: All Run Date: 09/11/2012 – 09/21/2012 Registration for the Lawton Fall Workshop [scheduled for September 20, 2012] will close at 5:00 PM effective 09/13/2012. Walk-in registration will be allowed at this location beginning at 8:00 a.m. on September 20th. Workshops will begin at 8:30 a.m. Tulsa and OKC registration remains open at this time. Information and registration is available on our Training page. We look forward to seeing you this Fall! |
9/6/2012 | Reminder: 2012 Fall Training Registration | Title: Reminder: 2012 Fall Training Registration Run Dates: 09/06/2012 – 09/14/2012 PV Types: All Registration for the Durant Fall Workshop [scheduled for September 13, 2012] will close at 5:00 PM effective 09/06/2012. We encourage you to register today! Lawton, Tulsa and OKC registration remains open at this time. Information and registration is available on our Training page. We look forward to seeing you this Fall! |
8/29/2012 | Webinar: NODOS/NB1 | Title: Webinar: NODOS/NB1 Run Date: 08/29/2012 – 09/17/2012 PV TYPE: 01 – Hospitals PLEASE JOIN US FOR THE NODOS/NB1 WEBINAR ON SEPTEMBER 18TH! OHCA and HPES will host an important Webinar/Conference call for hospitals and birthing centers to review the correct submission process of Notification of Date of Service (NODOS) and the Newborn application, NB1. The Webinar/Conference call will give detailed instructions and insight for these transactions on the secure site for both SoonerCare and potential SoonerCare members. The webinar will take place via online virtual room and conference call on September 18th at 2:30. Please register to take part. Register today! Information is available on our Training page. |
8/27/2012 | School Based Training Schedule | Title: School Based Training Schedule Run Dates: 08/27/2012 – 10/24/2012 PV Types: 12 / Spc 120 School-Based Training is scheduled for the following dates and times. September 10, 2012 – Poteau (1:00pm - 03:00pm) Register for the training through OHCA website at |
8/27/2012 | 2 Fall Provider Training Workshop |
Title: 2012 Fall Provider Training Workshop Run Date: 08/24/2012 – 10/25/2012 PV Types: All PLEASE JOIN US FOR THE 2012 FALL PROVIDER TRAINING WORKSHOP! Durant, OK will be the first stop on September 13 followed by: Lawton, September 20; Tulsa, October 10–11; and, conclude in Oklahoma City, October 24–25. |
8/13/2012 | Therapeutic Foster Care Changes to the Inspection of Care Audit Processes |
Title: Therapeutic Foster Care Changes to the Inspection of Care Audit Processes Run Dates: 07/30/2012 – 09/30/2012 PV Types: 45 – Foster Care Agency 451 – RBMS Therapeutic Foster Care This notification serves to clarify the policy requirements for the Inspection of Care (IOC) audit processes for Therapeutic Foster Care agencies. In accordance with 317.30-5-743.1, policy requires a recoupment of the compensation received for a service when an audit deficiency is found. The related Oklahoma Administrative Code states: “Deficiencies found during the IOC may result in a recoupment of the compensation received for that service. The individual plan of care is considered to be critical to the integrity of care and treatment and must be completed within the time lines designated at OAC 317:30-5-742.2. If the individual plan of care is missing or it is found that the child did not meet medical necessity criteria at any time, all paid services will be recouped for each day the individual plan of care was missing from the date the plan of care was due for completion.” In the last state fiscal year, the IOC auditors utilized a recoupment system that was based on the bundled payment methodology: Partial recoupments of $10 for each identified audit deficiency. Since the payment method has changed from a bundled to a fee for service compensation, the previous recoupment system is no longer applicable. In compliance with the OAC, the fee for service recoupment process specified in the OAC will be utilized for the 2012-2013 inspections of care audits. We wish to thank you for your continued support and the services you provide SoonerCare members. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Provider Services at (800) 522-0114 or (405) 522-6205. |
7/18/2012 | Pricing Changes for Enteral Food HCPCS Codes | Title: Pricing Changes for Enteral Food HCPCS Codes Run Dates: 07/18/2012-09/30/2012 PV Types: 250 – DMEPOS Suppliers Effective July 1, 2012, for TXIX members only, OHCA aligned Enteral Food products with the CMS fee schedule and PDAC coding. The following codes are affected by these changes: B4155 – From $ 1.11 to $.91 – CMS Allowable is $ .94 minus 3.25% budget reduction. The following codes were changed from Max fee to Manual Pricing to align with PDAC: B4157 – B4158 – B4159 – B4160 – B4161 – B4162. Effective immediately all requests for codes listed above must contain number of calories per can/packet, an invoice stating if priced per can/packet or case. If priced by case, state number of cans/packet per case. If you have Prior Authorizations that span service dates after 7/1/12, please send a list including Member ID, Prior Authorization number, number of units to be billed after 7/1/2012, a copy of your invoice and the information listed above regarding invoice information and caloric information so that OHCA can adjust the Prior Authorization appropriately. Please fax the detailed lists to 405-530-3261. Lists submitted to any other fax number will not be processed. This is a temporary number established for this purpose only and may not be used for any other Prior Authorization requests. |
7/18/2012 | ICD-10 Provider Conversion Assessment Survey | Title: ICD-10 Provider Conversion Assessment Survey Run Dates: 07/16/2012 – 08/18/2012 PV Types: All OHCA would appreciate your input on an ICD-10 Provider Conversion Assessment survey. This survey will provide us with insight to better plan the ICD-10 implementation and develop helpful workshops that can be offered in support of the ICD-10 effort. Please locate the survey on the Provider web site and respond soon. |
7/13/2012 | Frequently Asked Questions – OKDMERP | Title: Frequently Asked Questions – OKDMERP Run Dates: 07/12/2012 – 09/30/2012 PV Types: 250- DMEPOS Suppliers The OKDMERP (Oklahoma Durable Medical Equipment Reuse Program) is attempting to assist OHCA providers regarding frequently asked questions regarding the process for donation and reassignment for medical equipment for the reuse program. The FAQ and answers will be posted to the DME web page for your future reference. |
6/11/2012 | Annual Update to RBRVS Fee Schedule |
Title: Annual Update to RBRVS Fee Schedule Run Date: 06/11/2012 – 08/01/2012 PV Types: All This is our annual reminder that we rebase our provider RBRVS fee schedule effective July 1 of each year. This allows us to incorporate all Medicare fee schedule changes and follows our current approved methodology. The rate cut of 3.25% is still in effect. If you have any questions please, contact Provider Services at (800)522-0114 option 1. |
6/11/2012 | EHR Attestations During Contract Renewal Period |
Title: EHR Attestations During Contract Renewal Period Run Date: 06/05/2012 – 07/20/2012 PV Types: 31, 52 Due to a system limitation, EHR Attestations cannot be submitted until contract renewals are submitted and processed. If you would like to submit an attestation for the EHR Incentive Program, please submit your contract renewal as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience this will cause. |
5/29/2012 | Correction to Provider Letter 2012-27 | Title: Correction to Provider Letter 2012-27 Run Date: 05/29/2012 – 07/15/2012 PV Types: 03; SPC 30, 35 (Nursing Facilities) NURSING FACILITY PROVIDERS: Please note that Provider Letter OHCA 2012-27 [dated May 22, 2012] has an erroneous date of implementation of January 1, 2012 in the third paragraph. The correct date of implementation is July 1, 2012. |
5/15/2012 | Registration for 2012 Tulsa Spring Training | Title: Registration for 2012 Tulsa Spring Training Run Date: 05/15/2012 – 05/24/2012 PV Type: All Registration for the Tulsa Spring Workshop [scheduled for May 22 & 23, 2012 at the OSU - Tulsa Conference Center, 700 N. Greenwood Ave., Tulsa, OK 74106] will close at 5:00 PM effective 05/15/2012. This is the last workshop for the spring so don’t miss out! You can still attend through a walk-in registration. Walk-in registration will be allowed (with your provider number)at this location beginning at 8:00 a.m. on May 22th and 23rd. Workshops will begin at 8:30 a.m. Please come at least 15-20 minutes before the first class you wish to attend. Information and registration is available on our Training page. We look forward to seeing you! |
5/15/2012 | Latest Policy Changes/Updated Links for Inpatient & Outpatient Providers | Title: Latest Policy Changes/Updated Links for Inpatient & Outpatient Providers Run Date: 05/15/2012 – 06/30/2012 PV Types: 01, 11, 53 Spc: 010, 011, 013, 015, 110, 112, 121, 585, 115, 535, Several revisions to the existing behavioral health policy were promulgated and went into effect on 3/7/12. OHCA Medicaid Rules Page.. Listed below are links to the policy for different provider types: Part 6 – INPATIENT PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITALS: /content/sok-wcm/en/okhcaxPolicyPart.aspx?id=547&chapter=30&subchapter=5&part=6&title=INPATIENT%20PSYCHIATRIC%20HOSPITALS Part 21 – OUTPATIENT BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES (ALL SECTIONS): /content/sok-wcm/en/okhcaxPolicyPart.aspx?id=562&chapter=30&subchapter=5&part=21&title=OUTPATIENT%20BEHAVIORAL%20HEALTH%20SERVICES Part 25 – PSYCHOLOGISTS: /content/sok-wcm/en/okhcaxPolicyPart.aspx?id=564&chapter=30&subchapter=5&part=25&title=PSYCHOLOGISTS Part 26 – LICENSED BEHAVIORAL HEALTH PROVIDERS: /content/sok-wcm/en/okhcaxPolicyPart.aspx?id=655&chapter=30&subchapter=5&part=26&title=LICENSED%20BEHAVIORAL%20HEALTH%20PROVIDERS Part 67 – BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CASE MANAGEMENT SERVICES: /content/sok-wcm/en/okhcaxPolicyPart.aspx?id=589&chapter=30&subchapter=5&part=67&title=BEHAVIORAL%20HEALTH%20CASE%20MANAGEMENT%20SERVICES Part 83 – RESIDENTIAL BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT SERVICES: /content/sok-wcm/en/okhcaxPolicyPart.aspx?id=597&chapter=30&subchapter=5&part=83&title=RESIDENTIAL%20BEHAVIOR%20MANAGEMENT%20SERVICES The following is a link to the OHCA proposed rule changes page : /content/sok-wcm/en/okhca/providers/policies-and-rules/public-notices. With each posting on this page, there is an opportunity to complete an electronic feedback form. The OHCA seeks advice and consultation from medical professionals, professional and tribal organizations, and the general public in developing new or amended policies and rules. The proposed rule changes page is designed to give all constituents an opportunity to review and make comments regarding upcoming rule changes. |
4/25/2012 | Reminder: 2012 Spring Training Registration | Title: Reminder: 2012 Spring Training Registration PV: All Run Date: 04/25/2012 – 05/10/2012 Registration for the Enid Spring Workshop [scheduled for May 9, 2012] will close at 5:00 PM effective 05/02/2012. Walk-in registration will be allowed at this location beginning at 8:00 a.m. on May 9th. Workshops will begin at 8:30 a.m. OKC and Tulsa registration remains open at this time. Information and registration is available on our Training page. We look forward to seeing you this Spring! |
4/16/2012 | Latest Policy Changes | Title: Latest Policy Changes Run Date: 04/16/2012 – 05/15/2012 PV Types: 11, 53 Spc: 110, 112, 121, 585, 115, 535, 536 Dear Behavioral Health Providers: Several revisions to the existing behavioral health policy were promulgated and went into effect on 3/7/12. Listed below are links to the policy for different provider types:
The following is a link to the OHCA proposed rule changes page: /content/sok-wcm/en/okhca/providers/policies-and-rules/public-notices. On this page, there is sign up button for “web alerts”. These alerts will send an email notification when there is a new posting for a proposed rule change. With each posting on this page, there is an opportunity to complete an electronic feedback form. The OHCA seeks advice and consultation from medical professionals, professional and tribal organizations, and the general public in developing new or amended policies and rules. The proposed rule changes page is designed to give all constituents an opportunity to review and make comments regarding upcoming rule changes. |
4/3/2012 | Reminder: 2012 Spring Training Registration | Title: Reminder: 2012 Spring Training Registration PV: All Run Date: 04/03/2012 – 04/15/2012 Registration for the Durant Spring Workshop [scheduled for April 12, 2012] will close at 5:00 PM effective 04/05/2012. Walk-in registration will be allowed at this location beginning at 8:00 a.m. on April 12th. Workshops will begin at 8:30 a.m. Enid, OKC and Tulsa registration remains open at this time. Information and registration is available on our Training page. We look forward to seeing you this Spring! |
3/28/2012 | 2012 Spring Provider Training Workshop | Title: 2012 Spring Provider Training Workshop Run Date: 3/21/2012-5/15/2012 PF Type: All PLEASE JOIN US FOR THE 2012 SPRING PROVIDER TRAINING WORKSHOP! Durant, OK will be the first stop on April 12 followed by: Enid, May 9; Oklahoma City, May 16–17; and, conclude in Tulsa, May 22–23. |
3/15/2012 | Transportation Claim Modifiers | Title: Transportation Claim Modifiers Run Date: 03/14/2012 – 04/29/2012 PV Types: 26-Transportation Effective February 8, 2012 when submitting claims with the IH, RH, and SH modifiers, these claims will no longer suspend for review. It is not necessary to attach documentation when submitting these claims for processing. If you have any further questions please contact the OHCA call center at 1-800-522-0114. |
3/9/2012 | Comprehensive Treatment Plans – ATTENTION: Orthodontists Only | Title: Comprehensive Treatment Plans – ATTENTION: Orthodontists Only Run Date: 03/09/2012 – 04/25/2012 PV SPC: 273 – Orthodontists On 02/01/2012 you received notification of the requirement for comprehensive treatment plans for prior authorization. This requirement was intended for general dentistry providers only. Please continue to submit your request as you did previously. |
3/1/2012 | Attestations for Stage 1 Meaningful Use | Title: Attestations for Stage 1 Meaningful Use Run Date: 03/01/2012 – 04/15/2012 PV Types: 31- Physicians Attestations for Stage 1 Meaningful Use Begins April 1, 2012. Beginning April 1st, 2012 eligible professionals can begin submitting attestations for Stage 1 of Meaningful Use. To be eligible to attest for Stage 1, you must have 90 days of Meaningful Use. |
3/1/2012 | EHR Participation Year 2011 |
Title: EHR Participation Year 2011 Run Date: 03/01/2012 – 04/15/2012 EHR Participation Year 2011 is coming to an end. March 31st, 2012 will be the last day to attest for participation year 2011. If you qualify for the EHR Incentive program, please submit your attestations now. |
2/15/2012 | Secure Site Update – Now Available | Title: Secure Site Update – Now Available Run Date: 02/15/2011 – 04/01/2012 PV Types: All The provider secure site is now functional; however, intermittent access issues may be experienced. If the first log-in attempt is unsuccessful, please try again before calling the OHCA Call Center to report the issue. OHCA and HP continue to conduct their research and are closely monitoring the site’s activity. Please note that some of the claims search features have been disabled (i.e., grayed out) due to their impacts on response time. Specifically, the patient dental history search is currently unavailable, and for all other provider types, the only claim search criterion that is currently available is for ICN. OHCA and HP are diligently working to identify and resolve the issues impacting response times related to searches and plan to re-enable all search features as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. |
2/15/2012 | Dental History | Title: Dental History Run Date: 02/15/2012 – 04/01/2012 PV Types: 27 – Dentist
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you. |
2/15/2012 | NODOS Submission Dates | Title: NODOS Submission Dates Run Date: 02/14/2012 – 04/01/2012 PV Types: 01 – Hospitals Due to the outage of the secure site all NODOS submissions during the week of February 13–19, 2012 will have an effective date of February 10, 2012. |
2/15/2012 | Claims Submission Extension | Title: Claims Submission Extension Run Date: 02/15/2012 – 03/01/2012 PV Types: All As you are aware, there are unexpected difficulties with OHCA’s secure provider site. OHCA is extending the claims submission date until 12:00 noon on Thursday, February 16, 2012. The payment cycle scheduled for Wednesday, February 22, 2012 remains the same. |
2/14/2012 | School-Based Training Schedule | Title: School-Based Training Schedule Run Date: 02/14/2012 – 04/01/2012 PV Type: 12; Spc 120 School-Based Training is scheduled for the following dates and times. Register for training on our Training page. |
2/14/2012 | Outpatient Behavioral Health CDC Submission |
Title: Outpatient Behavioral Health CDC Submission Run Date: 02/14/2012 – 04/01/2012 PV Type: 11, 53 SPC: 110, 112, 121,115, 535, 536, 585 Attention: Outpatient Behavioral Health Providers This is to remind you, to enter your CDCs, you should contact gethelp@odmhsas.org. Effective March 1, 2012 claims will deny if you do not have a CDC on file for dates of service March 1 and after. Claims filed with dates of service prior to March 1 will process with or without a CDC on file. You are encouraged to complete a CDC on every member you serve. Thank you. |
2/1/2012 | MMIS Extended Maintenance | Title: MMIS Extended Maintenance Run Date: 02/01/2012 – 02/15/2012 PV Types: All PLEASE NOTE: Beginning at 6:00 p.m. Friday, February 10, 2012 through 10:00 a.m. Monday, February 13, 2012 our MMIS system will be down for an extended maintenance window. This maintenance involves all access to the system including Electronic Data InterChange (EDI), OHCA Secure Sites, Eligibility Verification System and other major avenues of accessing and submitting information to OHCA. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. |
1/31/2012 | SoonerCare Online Enrollment Survey | Title: SoonerCare Online Enrollment Survey Run Date: 01/26/2012 – 02/29/2012 PV Types: All If you received Provider Letter 2012-01 via facsimile and were not able to access the mysoonercare.org survey through the hyperlink, you can access the survey by visiting (Expired Link). |
1/30/2012 | Clinical Decisions | Title: Clinical Decisions Run Date: 01/30/2012 – 03/14/2012 PV Types: 01 Spc: 010; 011; 013; 015 In order to improve our response time on clinical decisions, we will begin accepting telephonic notification on Wednesday, February 01, 2012 for all initial admissions to Acute and Residential Treatment Center (RTC) levels of care, including Upgrades to Acute. Please note this does not include extension requests. Once the clinical template has been faxed to Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) at (405) 530-7260 and you have received your fax confirmation page, please contact us at (800) 522-0114 and have your Provider ID number ready. Select option 1 for Provider, option 6 for Prior Authorizations and option 2 for Behavioral Health. You will then be transferred to the Behavioral Health Unit (BHU) where a staff member will locate the faxed template. The staff member will create a case in our system before transferring you to a reviewer. These calls will be accepted during regular business hours from 8:00am-5:00 p.m. as our automated phone system is not available after 5pm. We hope this will improve the Prior Authorization process and will allow you to obtain a decision in a timely manner. As always thank you for continuing to serve our SoonerCare members. |
1/26/2012 | SoonerCare Online Enrollment Survey | Title: SoonerCare Online Enrollment Survey Run Date: 01/26/2012 – 02/29/2012 PV Types: All If you received Provider Letter 2012-01 via facsimile and were not able to access the mysoonercare.org survey through the hyperlink, you can access the survey by visiting (Expired LInk). |
1/18/2012 | EPE-01 FAX Cover Sheet | Title: EPE-01 FAX Cover Sheet Run Date: 01/17/2012 – 02/21/2012 PV Type: All REMINDER: |
1/12/2012 | HP FAX Server Downtime – 2nd Notice | Title: HP FAX Server Downtime – 2nd Notice Run Date: 01/12/2012 – 01/18/2012 PV Types: All On Tuesday, 01/17/2012, the FAX server at HP will be down from 6:00-8:00 pm. This means you cannot FAX any information to HP that would be required for prior authorizations, contract submissions or for attachments to claims. FAXes sent to Insure Oklahoma Will also be affected. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. |
1/11/2012 | Medicare Non-Covered Transportation Svs | Title: Medicare Non-Covered Transportation Svs Run Date: 01/10/2012 – 02/24/2012 PV Types: 26 – Transportation When transportation services are not covered by Medicare, you must appeal the denial to Medicare before sending claims to OHCA. Please attach the Medicare appeal letter to your claim when sending to OHCA. We must have this information to determine whether these services can be paid as primary. OHCA policy states that we can only pay for medically necessary transports. |
1/9/2012 | Instructional Letter from ODMHSAS | Title: Instructional Letter from ODMHSAS Run Date: 01/09/2012 – 02/24/2012 PV Types: 11, 53 Spc: 110, 112, 121, 585, 115, 535, 536 Attention Outpatient Behavioral Health Providers – In the spring of 2012, the Client Data Core (CDC) will be required as a condition of payment. The start date for this CDC/claim requirement will be announced once the claim system is ready. |
1/9/2012 | Behavioral Health PA Issues | Title: Behavioral Health PA Issues Run Date: 01/09/2012 – 02/24/2012 PV Type: 11, 53 SPC: 110, 112, 121, 585, 115, 535, 536 Attention Outpatient Behavioral Health Providers – OHCA has temporarily lifted the PA requirement for outpatient BH effective 9/26/11. Any outstanding OPBH PA request issues that fall between the dates of 9/1/11 to 9/25/11 related to no decisions, extensions or corrections will be reviewed by the OHCA. All review decisions for this designated time period will be based on medical necessity. To process these requests, please provide proof that your original request to APS Healthcare was submitted timely along with documentation supporting your request by faxing to (405) 530-3221. Please provide the original PA number when asking for an extension or correction. All documentation for these specific outpatient OHCA reviews must be received by Jan. 31, 2012. The CDC form which was submitted to APS can be used as proof of the original request. To access these CDCs, please go to the CDC Data Entry website: http://ok.gov/odmhsas/ |
1/5/2012 | Comprehensive Treatment Plan | Title: Reminder - Comprehensive Treatment Plan Run Date: 01/04/2012 -02/19/2012 PV Types: 27 – Dentist Dental Provider Reminder: Submissions without a comprehensive treatment plan will be returned to the provider without review; this will delay treatment for our members. Thank you for your cooperation. |
1/5/2012 | Transportation Claim Modifiers | Title: Transportation Claim Modifiers Run Date: 01/03/2012 – 02/18/2012 PV Types: 26 – Transportation Effective February 1, 2012 when submitting claims with the IH, RH, and SH modifiers, these claims will now suspend for review. Please attach documentation when submitting these claims for processing. If you have any questions please call the OHCA call center at 1-800-522-0114. |