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Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act

The Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) is a SoonerCare program that allows children with disabilities to be cared for in their homes. In TEFRA, only the child’s income, not the family’s, is counted to decide if he or she qualifies.

Eligibility and Enrollment

Under Section 134 of the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA), (P.L.97-248), states have the option to make Medicaid benefits available to children with physical or mental disabilities who would not ordinarily be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits because of their parent's income or resources are too high. TEFRA allows children who are eligible for institutional services to be cared for in their homes. (Children do not have to be in an institution)

The child also must:

  • Be under age 19.
  • Be an Oklahoma resident.
  • Be a citizen or a qualified alien.
  • Have a Social Security number.
  • Meet the SSA disability definition.
  • Meet certain income standards.
  • Be safely and appropriately cared for at home.
  • Have a cost for home care that is less than the cost would be in an institution.

Contact Us

  • PA for ventilator dependent and HIV/Aids patients
    (405) 522-7389
  • Cost Report Filing/Payment Rates
    (405) 522-7637
    (405) 522-7098 or
    (405) 522-7294
  • Long-Term Care Claims
    (405) 522-7413
  • Level of Care Evaluation Unit
    405-522-7133 or
    TEFRA fax
  • more contacts »


Last Modified on Jan 30, 2023