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Enhanced Payment Program in ICF IID

The EP program provides enhanced payment(s) for private ICFs/IID that provide vocational program services and/or day program services to their residents to enhance their day to day lives, overall quality of life and independence. 

The program will ensure vocational services provide paid employment in a structured vocational training program for residents outside of the resident’s home. These services will provide pre-vocational services training that prepare the residents for employment in a structured educational program. Other programs may include, sheltered employment, ongoing employment support, job skills training and/or workshop experience in the community. 

The program will ensure day services provide life enrichment services that are conducted in a dedicated service location. Day services programs will provide diverse opportunities for residents to participate in the broader community based on the resident’s specific care plan.


To allow ICF IID facilities that are established and rooted in Oklahoma the opportunity to provide enhanced services through vocational and day programs to enrich members quality of life and independence. 


To ensure the overall wellness and satisfaction of all those involved in their loved one’s care. We are intent on ensuring the best outcomes for our members. 

Program Requirement

  1. Annual Attestation
  2. Annual Facility Plan
  3. Annual Facility Outcomes
  4. Quarterly Facility Participation Hours
Last Modified on Jan 24, 2024
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