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OHCA Policies and Rules

317:30-5-275. Eligible providers

[Revised 09-11-23]

(a) Licensed Psychologist must be licensed to practice in the state in which services are provided. Payment is made for compensable services to psychologists licensed in the state in which face-to-face services are delivered.

(b) Psychologists employed in State and Federal agencies, who are not permitted to engage in private practice, cannot be reimbursed for services as an individually contracted provider.

(c) Services provided by practitioners, who have completed education requirements to begin an internship or a post-doctoral fellowship in an accredited clinical psychology academic training program and are under current board approved supervision toward licensure, are eligible for reimbursement. Each supervising psychologist must have a current contract with the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA).

(d) For those licensure candidates who are actively and regularly receiving board approved supervision, or extended supervision by a fully licensed clinician and if the board's supervision requirement is met but the individual is not yet licensed, each supervising psychologist must have a current contract with the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA).

(e) In order for services provided by clinical psychology interns completing required internships, post-doctoral fellows completing required supervision for licensure to be reimbursed, the following conditions must be met:

(1) The licensed practitioner billing SoonerCare must have a letter on file covering the dates of services of the internship or post-doctoral fellowship;

(2) The psychology intern or post-doctoral fellow must be under the direct supervision of the licensed psychologist who is responsible for the member's care;

(3) The licensed psychologist responsible for the member's care must:

(A) Staff the member's case with the intern or fellow,

(B) Actively direct the services;

(C) Be available to the intern or fellow for in-person consultation while they are providing services;

(D) Agree with the current plan for the member; and

(E) Confirm that the service provided by the intern or fellow was appropriate.

(4) The member's medical record must show that the requirements for reimbursement were met and the licensed psychologist responsible for the member's care has reviewed, countersigned, and dated the notes in the medical record at least every week so that it is documented that the licensed psychologist is responsible for the member's care.

Disclaimer. The OHCA rules found on this Web site are unofficial. The official rules are published by the Oklahoma Secretary of State Office of Administrative Rules as Title 317 of the Oklahoma Administrative Code. To order an official copy of these rules, contact the Office of Administrative Rules at (405) 521-4911.