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OHCA Policies and Rules

317:30-5-700.1. Orthodontic prior authorization

[Revised 09-01-24]

(a) Orthodontic services are available for members who are SoonerCare-eligible and under eighteen (18) years of age, at the time the request for prior authorization for treatment is received, per Oklahoma Administrative Code 317:30-5-700. The following records and documentation, plainly labeled with the member's full name, recipient identification number (RID), and the orthodontist's name are required for prior authorization of orthodontic services and must be electronically submitted to the Dental Unit of the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) Dental Program when the member has a total score of not less than thirty (30) points or meets other eligibility criteria in paragraph (d).

(1) Completed prior authorization requesting all needed treatments;

(2) Complete and scored Handicapping Labio-Lingual Deviation (HLD) Index with Diagnosis of Angle's classification;

(3) Detailed description of any oral maxillofacial anomaly; 

(4) Estimated length of treatment;

(5) Intraoral photographs showing teeth in centric occlusion and/or photographs of trimmed anatomically occluded diagnostic casts. A lingual view of casts may be included to verify impinging overbites;

(6) Cephalometric images with tracing, and panoramic film, with a request for prior authorization of comprehensive orthodontic treatment;

(7) Completed OHCA caries risk assessment form; 

(8) If diagnosed as a surgical case, submit an oral surgeon's written opinion that orthognathic surgery is indicated and the surgeon is willing to provide this service; and

(9) Additional pertinent information as determined necessary by the orthodontist or as requested by the OHCA.

(b) All images and required documentation must be submitted electronically in one (1) package. 

(c) All records and documentation submitted in a request for prior authorization for orthodontic treatment are reviewed by the OHCA orthodontic consultant for compensability and length of treatment.  

(d) Some children not receiving a minimum score of thirty (30) on the HLD Index may have other conditions to be considered. In the event an orthodontist believes there are other medical, social, or emotional conditions impacting the general health of the child, he/she refers to the conditions listed on the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) exception section found on the HLD. The following guidelines and restrictions apply to other conditions:

(1) Other medical, social, or emotional conditions are limited to those conditions that affect the medical, social or emotional function of the child;

(2) Other medical, social, or emotional conditions are not scored if the sole condition sought to be improved is the cosmetic appearance of the child;

(3) Such other medical, social, or emotional conditions must be demonstrated by objective evidence such as supported documentation outside the child's immediate family (e.g., a child's teacher, primary care physician, behavioral health provider, school counselor); 

(4) Objective evidence must be submitted with the HLD;

(5) When such other medical, social, or emotional conditions are reflected on the HLD, the OHCA orthodontic consultant must review the data and use his or her professional judgment to score the value of the conditions; and

(6) The OHCA orthodontic consultant may consult with and utilize the opinion of the orthodontist who completes the form.

(e) If it is determined that the malocclusion is not severe enough to warrant medically necessary orthodontic services or the member's age precludes approval, a computer generated notice is issued to the provider and member with notice of the denial, the reason for the denial, and appeal rights [see Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 317:2-1 for grievance procedures and processes]. 

(f) Orthodontic treatment and payment for the services are approved within the scope of the SoonerCare program. If orthodontic treatment is approved, a computer generated notice is issued authorizing the first year of treatment.

(1) Approval of orthodontic treatment is given in accordance with the following:

(A) Authorization for the first twelve (12) months of comprehensive orthodontic care begins on the date of banding and includes the placement of appliances, arch wires, and a minimum of six (6) adjustments. It is expected that orthodontic members be seen every four (4) to eight (8) weeks for the duration of active treatment.

(B) Subsequent treatment will be authorized quarterly for the next three (3) quarters. The treating orthodontist must provide a comprehensive progress report for consideration for the fourth and final quarterly approval. 

(2) Claim and payment are made as follows:

(A) Payment for comprehensive treatment includes the banding, wires, adjustments as well as all ancillary services, lost or broken bracket replacement, including the removal of appliances, and the construction and placing of retainers.

(B) Payment for comprehensive treatment is considered paid in full at twenty-four (24) months regardless of treatment length.

(g) If the member moves from the geographic area or shows a need to change their provider, then the provider who received the first year payment is financially responsible until completion of that member's orthodontic treatment for the current year. 

(h) If the provider who received the first year payment does not agree to be financially responsible, then the OHCA may recoup funds paid for the member's orthodontic treatment.

(i) All orthodontic services are subject to post-utilization review. This review may include a request by the OHCA to submit medical documentation necessary to complete the review. After review is completed, these materials are returned to the orthodontist.

(j) Electronic images of casts and/or oral/facial images may be requested by OHCA or representatives of OHCA. Providers will be reimbursed for either the study model or images when obtained for orthodontic evaluation and/or therapy.

(1) Documentation of casts and/or photographic images must be kept in the client's medical record and medical necessity identified on the submitted electronic claim. 

(2) For photographic images, the oral/facial portfolio must include a view of the complete lower arch, complete upper arch, and left and right maximum intercuspation of teeth.

(A) Maximum intercuspation refers to the occlusal position of the mandible in which the cusps of the teeth of both arches fully interpose themselves with the cusps of the teeth of the opposing arch.

(B) Intercuspation defines both the anterior-posterior and lateral relationships of the mandible and the maxilla, as well as the superior-inferior relationship known as the vertical dimension of occlusion.

(3) 3-D model images or photographic images not in compliance with the diagnostic guidelines will not be compensable. The provider may be allowed to resubmit new images that adhere to the diagnostic guidelines. If the provider does not provide appropriate documentation, the request for treatment will be denied.


Disclaimer. The OHCA rules found on this Web site are unofficial. The official rules are published by the Oklahoma Secretary of State Office of Administrative Rules as Title 317 of the Oklahoma Administrative Code. To order an official copy of these rules, contact the Office of Administrative Rules at (405) 521-4911.