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OHCA Policies and Rules

317:30-5-100. Eligible providers

[Revised 09-11-23]

This Part covers the guidelines for payment of laboratory services by a provider in his/her office, a certified hospital or independent laboratory, and for a pathologist's interpretation of laboratory procedures.

(1) Physician and clinic provider laboratories.  Physician and clinic providers may be reimbursed for compensable clinical diagnostic laboratory services only when they personally perform or supervise the performance of the test. If a physician or clinic provider refers specimen to a certified laboratory or a hospital laboratory serving outpatients, the certified laboratory or the hospital must bill for performing the test.

(2) Independent and hospital laboratories. Independent and hospital laboratories will be required to submit a letter to OHCA Provider Enrollment along with their other required contracting documents. The reference laboratory must be identified on the claim as well as the following information for any and all reference laboratories:

(A) Name;

(B) Address; and

(C) Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment of 1988 (CLIA) ID.

(3) Compensable services for independent, physician and hospital laboratories.

(A) Reimbursement for lab services is made in accordance with CLIA.  These regulations provide that payment may be made only for services furnished by a laboratory that meets CLIA conditions, including those furnished in physicians' offices. Regulations specify that any and every facility which tests human specimens for the purpose of providing information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any disease, or impairment of, or the assessment of the health of human beings is subject to CLIA. All facilities which perform these tasks must make application for certification by CMS. Eligible SoonerCare providers must be certified under the CLIA program and have obtained a CLIA ID number from CMS and have a current contract on file with the OHCA. Providers performing laboratory services must have the appropriate CLIA certification specific to the level of testing performed.

(B) Only medically necessary laboratory services are compensable.

(i) Testing must be medically indicated as evidenced by member-specific indications in the medical record.

(ii) Testing is only compensable if the results will affect member care and are performed to diagnose conditions and illnesses with specific symptoms.

(iii) Testing is only compensable if the services are performed in furtherance of the diagnosis and/or treatment of conditions that are covered under SoonerCare.

(C) Laboratory testing must be ordered by the physician or non-physician provider and must be individualized to the member and the member's medical history, or assessment indicators as evidenced in the medical documentation.

(D) Laboratory testing for routine diagnostic or screening tests following clinical guidelines such as those found in the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Bright Futures' periodicity schedule, the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) A and B recommendations, the American Academy of Family Practitioners (AAFP), or other nationally recognized medical professional academy or society standards of care, is compensable.  Additionally, such sources as named in this subdivision should meet medical necessity criteria as outlined in Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 317:30-3-1(f).

(4) Non-compensable laboratory services.

(A) Laboratory testing for routine diagnostic or screening tests not supported by the clinical guidelines of a nationally recognized medical professional academy or society standard of care, and/or testing that is performed without apparent relationship to treatment or diagnosis of a specific illness, symptom, complaint or injury is not covered.

(B) Non-specific, blanket panel or standing orders for laboratory testing or lab panels which have no impact on the member's plan of care are not covered.

(C) Split billing or dividing the billed services for the same member for the same date of service by the same rendering laboratory into two (2) or more claims is not allowed.

(D) Separate payment is not made for blood specimens obtained by venipuncture or urine specimens collected by a provider who is also performing the laboratory testing as these services are considered part of the laboratory analysis.

(E) Claims for inpatient full-service laboratory procedures are not covered since this is considered a part of the hospital rate.

(F) Billing multiple units of nucleic acid detection for individual infectious organisms when testing for more than one (1) infectious organism in a specimen is not permissible. Instead, OHCA considers it appropriate to bill a single unit of a procedure code indicated for multiple organism testing.

(G) Billing multiple Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes or units for molecular pathology tests that examine multiple genes or incorporate multiple types of genetic analysis in a single run or report is not permissible. Instead, OHCA considers it appropriate to bill a single CPT code for such test. If an appropriate code does not exist, then one (1) unit for an unlisted molecular pathology procedure may be billed.

(5) Covered services by a pathologist.

(A) A pathologist may be paid for the interpretation of inpatient surgical pathology specimen when the appropriate CPT procedure code and modifier is used.

(B) Full service or interpretation of surgical pathology for outpatient surgery performed in an outpatient hospital or ambulatory surgery center setting.

(6) Non-compensable services by a pathologist.  The following are non-compensable pathologist services:

(A) Experimental or investigational procedures. For more information regarding experimental or investigational including clinical trials, see OAC 317:30-3-57.1.

(B) Interpretation of clinical laboratory procedures.

Disclaimer. The OHCA rules found on this Web site are unofficial. The official rules are published by the Oklahoma Secretary of State Office of Administrative Rules as Title 317 of the Oklahoma Administrative Code. To order an official copy of these rules, contact the Office of Administrative Rules at (405) 521-4911.