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OHCA Policies and Rules

317:30-5-764. Reimbursement

[Revised 09-01-21]

(a) Rates for Waiver services are set in accordance with the rate-setting process by the State Plan Amendment and Rate Committee (SPARC) and approved by the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) Board.

(1) The rate for Nursing Facility (NF) respite is set equivalent to the rate for routine level of care NF services that require providers having equivalent qualifications;

(2) The rate for daily units for Adult Day Health is set equivalent to the rate established by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) for equivalent services provided for the OKDHS Adult Day Service Program that requires providers have equivalent qualifications.

(3) The rate for units of home-delivered meals is set equivalent to the rate established by the OKDHS for the equivalent services provided for the OKDHS Home-Delivered Meals Program that require providers having equivalent qualifications.

(4) The rates for units of ADvantage Personal Care and In-Home Respite are set equivalent to State Plan Agency Personal Care unit rate that requires providers have equivalent qualifications.

(5) The rates for Advanced Supportive/Restorative Assistance is set equivalent to 1.077 of the State Plan Agency Personal Care unit rate;

(6) Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance Services and Supports (CD-PASS) rates are determined using the Individual Budget Allocation (IBA) Expenditure Accounts Determination process for each member. The IBA Expenditure Accounts Determination process includes consideration and decisions about the items listed in (A) _ (C) of this paragraph.

(A) The IBA Expenditure Accounts Determination constrains total Medicaid reimbursement for CD-PASS services to be less than expenditures for equivalent services using agency providers.

(B) The Personal Care (PSA) and Personal Care Advanced Supportive/Restorative (APSA) service unit rates are calculated by the OKDHS Aging Services (AS) during the CD-PASS service eligibility determination process. OKDHS AS sets the PSA and APSA unit rates at a level that is not less than eighty percent (80%) and not more than ninety-five percent (95%) of the comparable PSA or APSA service rates. The allocation of portions of the PSA and/or APSA rates to cover salary, mandatory taxes, and optional benefits including Worker's Compensation insurance, when available, is determined individually for each member using the CD-PASS IBA Expenditure Accounts Determination Process.

(C) The IBA Expenditure Accounts Determination process defines the level of program financial resources required to meet the member's need for CD-PASS services. When the member's need for services changes due to a change in health/disability status or a change in the level of support available from other sources to meet needs, the case manager, based upon an updated assessment, amends the person-centered service plan to increase CD-PASS service units appropriate to meet additional member need. OKDHS AS, upon favorable review, authorizes the amended person-centered service plan and updates the member's IBA. Service amendments based on changes in member need for services do not change an existing PSA or APSA rate. The member with assistance from the Financial Management Service, reviews and revises the IBA Expenditure Accounts calculation annually or more often to the extent appropriate and necessary.

(7) Three (3) per diem reimbursement rate levels for the ADvantage assisted living services are set. Different rate per diem levels are established to adequately reimburse the provider for the provision of different levels of service to accommodate different level of member need for services-type, intensity and frequency to address member Activities of Daily Living and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (ADL/IADL) and health care needs. Rounded to the nearest cent, the lowest level Assisted Living Services per diem rate is set equivalent to 11.636 times the State Plan Agency Personal Care unit rate; the mid-level per diem rate is set equivalent to 15.702 times the State Plan Agency Personal Care unit rate; and the highest level Assisted Living Services per diem rate is set equivalent to 21.964 times the State Plan Agency Personal Care unit rate. The specific rate level appropriate to a particular member's service is determined by Uniform Comprehensive Assessment Tool, Part III (UCAT III) assessment by the member's Advantage case manager employed by a case management agency independent of the Assisted Living Services provider. ADvantage payment is not made for twenty-four (24) hour skilled care in an assisted living center. Federal financial participation is not available for room and board, items of comfort or convenience, or the costs of facility maintenance, upkeep and improvement. Separate payment is not made for ADvantage services of personal care, advanced supportive/restorative assistance, skilled nursing, Personal Emergency Response System, home-delivered meals, adult day health or environmental modifications to a member while receiving assisted living services since these services are integral to and inherent in the provision of assisted living service. However, separate payment may be made for Medicaid State Plan and/or Medicare Home Health benefits to members receiving ADvantage assisted living. Separate payment is not made for ADvantage respite to a member while receiving assisted living services since by definition assisted living services assume the responsibility for twenty-four (24) hour oversight/monitoring of the member, eliminating the need for informal support respite. The member is responsible for room and board costs; however, for an ADvantage member, the ADvantage assisted living services provider is allowed to charge a maximum for room and board that is no more than ninety (90) percent of the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Federal Benefit Rate. When, per Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 317:35-17-1(b) and 317:35-17-11, the member has a vendor payment obligation, the provider is responsible for collecting the vendor payment from the member.

(8) The maximum total annual reimbursement for a member's hospice care within a twelve (12) month period is limited to an amount equivalent to eighty-five (85) percent of the Medicare Hospice Cap payment.

(b) The OKDHS AS approved ADvantage person-centered service plan is the basis for the Medicaid Management Information Systems (MMIS) service prior authorization, specifying the:

(1) Service;

(2) Service provider;

(3) Units authorized; and

(4) Begin and end dates of service authorization.

(c) Service time for personal care, case management services, nursing, skilled nursing, supportive/restorative assistance, and in-home respite, is documented through the use of the designated statewide Electronic Visit Verification System (EVV) when services are provided in the home. Providers are required to use the EVV system after access to the system is made available by OKDHS. Refer to OAC 317:30-3-34(7) for additional procedures for EVV system failure or EVV system unavailability.

(d) As part of ADvantage quality assurance, provider audits evaluate whether paid claims are consistent with service plan authorizations and documentation of service provision. Evidence of paid claims not supported by service plan authorization and documentation of service provisions are given to OHCA's Program Integrity Unit for follow-up investigation.

Disclaimer. The OHCA rules found on this Web site are unofficial. The official rules are published by the Oklahoma Secretary of State Office of Administrative Rules as Title 317 of the Oklahoma Administrative Code. To order an official copy of these rules, contact the Office of Administrative Rules at (405) 521-4911.