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APA WF# 24-24 MAT Clarification - The Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (ODMHSAS) has requested an emergency rule change to obtain compliance with the new changes to 42 CFR § 8.12. The new federal requirements state that a patient's refusal of counseling shall not preclude them from receiving MAT. OHCA policy will be amended to reflect this change—noting that a patient's refusal to participate in the treatment phases as described in 317:30-5-241.7(f)(1) through 317:30-5-241.7(f)(5) shall not preclude the individual from receiving medications from the opioid treatment program (OTP).

Please view the draft rule revisions here: APA WF # 24-24

Feedback may be submitted via the comment box.

Proposed Policy Timeline:

Tribal Consultation: 9/3/2024

Tribal Consultation Period: 8/23/2024 – 10/22/2024

Circulation Date: 8/23/2024

Comment Due Date: 9/7/24

Effective Date: Upon Governor's approval

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Please note that all comments must be reviewed and approved prior to posting. Approved comments will be posted Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Any comments received after 4 p.m. will be posted on the following business day.


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Last Modified on Sep 07, 2024