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Reach Out and Read Oral Health Service Initiative (OK SPA 23-0023)

The State is seeking to amend the CHIP Title XXI State Plan Health Service Initiative (HSI), Reach Out and Read (ROR). This amendment will add a dental component to the current ROR HSI that will allow primary care providers to play an integral role in prevention of tooth decay for lowincome children 12 months to 60 months of age during well child visits. PCPs participating in the program will receive training on oral health, fluoride varnish application, and the ROR program. Children will receive fluoride varnish and be  provided an oral health book, toothbrush, and toothpaste. Parents will receive child oral health resource materials and a referral to a dental home if needed. This HSI ensures preventive measures are taken as soon as possible and decreases initial tooth decay that could possibly result in other health related issues. 

Please view the draft SPA pages here: OK SPA 23-0023 and submit feedback via the comment box.

Circulation Date: 4/28/23

30-day Tribal Consultation Period: 4/28/23 – 5/28/23

Tribal Consultation: 5/2/23

Comment Due Date: 5/28/23


No comments.

Last Modified on Jun 29, 2023