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APA WF 23-10 Doula Services

The proposed revisions will add doula services as a covered benefit to SoonerCare members. The policy additions will outline what a doula is and the specific services/requirements including but not limited to, certification requirements from one of the Agency-recognized organizations, a referral from a licensed medical provider (physician, physician’s assistant (PA), obstetrician, certified nurse midwife), and be at least 18 years of age. Furthermore, policy will outline that members will have eight doula visits, including one for labor and delivery care. Finally, additions will state that reimbursement for doula services is outlined in the Oklahoma Medicaid State Plan.

Please view the circulation document here: APA WF # 23-10 and submit feedback via the comment box below.

Circulation Date: 02/24/23

Comment Due Date: 03/13/23

Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) Meeting: 05/04/23

Board Meeting: 05/17/23


No comments.

Last Modified on Mar 14, 2023