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APA WF 22-27 Physician Assistant Rule Revisions

The proposed rule changes are necessary to ensure that previous amendments to the Physician Assistant Practice Act, that were made by the Legislature in 2020, are reflected in the rules. The proposed revisions will update the term "supervising" physician to "delegating" physician; remove the application to practice requirements and replace it with the practice agreement requirement; and provide a timeframe of ten (10) business days for providers to submit any updated copy of the practice agreement due to changes. Other revisions will involve limited rewriting aimed at improving readability and overall flow of policy language.

Please view the circulation document here: APA WF # 22-27 and submit feedback via the comment box below.

Circulation Date: 02/01/2023

MAC Meeting: 03/02/2023

Comment Due Date: 03/03/2023

Public Hearing: 03/07/2023

Board Meeting: 03/22/2023


No comments.

Last Modified on Mar 04, 2023