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APA WF 22-03 Clinical Trials Routine Service and Dental Out-of-State Services

These rule changes were previously approved by the OHCA Board of Directors and the Governor and are currently in effect as emergency rules. Due to Oklahoma Statutes, these rules must be taken through the permanent rulemaking process.

The proposed rule revisions will add language to the clinical trials policy in section OAC 317:30-3-57.1 that states that the Oklahoma Health Care Authority will provide a coverage determination within 72 hours on whether the study is appropriate and meets the members’ medical necessity needs. Additional revisions to the out-of-state services policy, at OAC 317:30-3-90, will add language to assure that clinical trials will be provided in accordance with all federal regulations and that OHCA's out-of-state policy does not apply to certain cases that involve clinical trials.  Furthermore, language will be added to allow for the override of prior authorizations that are related to lodging and meals services when they are provided in accordance with an approved clinical trial. Finally, revisions will add language that allows for a SoonerCare member to travel up to one hundred miles (100) from the Oklahoma border to receive dental services.

Please view the circulation document here: APA WF # 22-03 and submit feedback via the comment box below.

Circulation Date: 02/01/2023

Comment Due Date: 03/03/2023

Public Hearing: 03/07/2023

Board Meeting: 03/22/2023


No comments.

Last Modified on Mar 04, 2023