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1115(a) SoonerCare Choice Demonstration Waiver Renewal

The Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) will request federal approval from the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) to extend the SoonerCare 1115(a) waiver demonstration (Project Number 11-W-00048/6).  If approved, the request will renew the current demonstration, ending on December 31, 2023, from January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2028. The waiver demonstration authorizes the State to offer a Primary Care Case Management (PCCM) health care delivery service model called the SoonerCare Choice Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH). The PCMH health care delivery model allows the State to contract directly with health care providers, on a statewide basis, for the provision of Medicaid services to SoonerCare Choice PCMH members; allows for care coordination payments; and provides authority to operate the Health Management Program (HMP), Health Access Networks (HANs), and the Insure Oklahoma (IO) Employer Sponsored Insurance (ESI) program.

The requested extension does not change the current approved budget neutrality methodology and does not contemplate any changes to program eligibility, benefits, cost sharing, or program financing that would require modifications to the existing model.

The OHCA will submit a separate 1115 waiver amendment request in 2023 to enroll a portion of the SoonerCare population into the SoonerSelect managed care programs. The SoonerSelect amendment request will be addressed through a separate public notice.

Please view the draft renewal application here: 1115(a) SoonerCare Choice Demonstration Waiver Renewal Application and submit feedback via the comment box below. Additionally, the OCHA will be conducting two virtual public hearings during which the public may provide oral comments. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022, at 02:00 PM Central Time: Register Here

Thursday, November 17, 2022, at 05:00 PM Central Time: Register Here

View the full public notice here: 1115(a) SoonerCare Choice Demonstration Waiver Renewal Full Public Notice. View the Oklahoma 1115(a) SoonerCare Choice Demonstration page on the CMS web site here: Oklahoma SoonerCare 1115 Waiver CMS Web Site.

Prior to finalizing the proposed waiver renewal application, the OHCA will consider all written and verbal public comments received. The comments will be summarized and addressed in the final version submitted to CMS.

Tribal Consultation Period: 8/30/2022 – 10/29/2022

Tribal Consultation Meeting: 9/6/2022

Circulation Date: 11/1/2022

Comment Due Date: 11/30/2022


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Last Modified on Dec 07, 2022