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OK SPA 22-0031 Former Foster Care Youth

The Oklahoma Health Care Authority will grant eligibility and enrollment to former foster care youth (FFCY) who were enrolled in Medicaid and who aged out of foster care (turned 18) in another state on or after January 1, 2023, and who now reside in the state of Oklahoma. This will bring Oklahoma into compliance with Section 1002 of federal law P.L. 115-271, the SUPPORT Act. Currently, and prior to the SUPPORT Act, Oklahoma was required to enroll only FFCY who were enrolled in Medicaid and who aged out of foster care within the state of Oklahoma.

Please view the draft SPA pages here: OK SPA 22-0031 and submit feedback via the comment box below.

60-day Tribal Consultation Period: 6/23/2022 – 8/22/2022

Tribal Consultation Meeting: 7/5/2022

Circulation Date: 7/6/2022

Comment Due Date: 8/5/2022


No Comments.

Last Modified on Aug 08, 2022