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APA WF# 21-27 Cleanup Policy Reference about Timely Filing

The proposed revisions will update policy to accurately reflect the timely filing limit for claim submission and subsequent claim resolution.

Please view the circulation document here: APA WF# 21-27, and submit feedback via the comment box below. 

Circulation Date: 12/15/2021

Medical Advisory Committee Meeting: 01/13/2022

Comment Due Date: 01/18/2022  

Public Hearing: 01/18/2022

Board Meeting: 03/16/2022


Cathy Satkus:

I am voting against this change. The timely filing should be left as it currently stands.

OHCA Response:

These rule changes do not change the timely filing limits in the main section of policy that deals with timely filing, OAC 317:30-3-11.  The limit remains at 6 months from the date of service to submit a timely claim, and then once a claim is submitted timely, the provider has 6 more months to resubmit the claim if necessary, see OAC 317:30-3-11.1.  The rule change being posted for public comment is updating a specific paragraph in policy that had not been previously updated with the correct timely filing limit.

Joshua Langley:

Administratively, I think this makes sense, I am but slightly hesitant due to the challenges Social Security has had during the pandemic.  If OKDHS is not able to verify someone's SSI through their means it can be a significant challenge on the client to acquire that information from the SSA to provide to OKDHS.  One would think 6 months would be ample time but as of late I have become increasingly skeptical in SSA's ability to assist a non-tech savvy citizen, or if the citizen has to troubleshoot their online SSA account. 

OHCA Response:

These rule changes do not change the timely filing limits in the main section of policy that deals with timely filing, OAC 317:30-3-11.  The limit remains at 6 months from the date of service to submit a timely claim, and then once a claim is submitted timely, the provider has 6 more months to resubmit the claim if necessary, see OAC 317:30-3-11.1.  The rule change being posted for public comment is updating a specific paragraph in policy that had not been previously updated with the correct timely filing limit.

Last Modified on Jan 19, 2022