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APA WF 21-15 Ensuring Access to Medicaid Act

The proposed policy changes will comply with Senate Bill 131 (SB131), otherwise known as the "Ensuring Access to Medicaid Act" by addressing the specific requirements that are outlined throughout the bill. These requirements include, but are not limited to, enrollment and voluntary enrollment into an alternative delivery model, developing specific network adequacy standards, prior authorization requirements, and developing requirements for appeals and hearings.

Please view the draft regulatory text here: APA WF 21-15, and submit feedback via the comment box below.

Circulation Date: 07/06/2021

Comment Due Date: 07/21/2021

Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) Meeting: 07/08/2021

Board Meeting: TBD


Melissa Gower:

We received these rules during the tribal consultation session on July 6, 2021 without any time to review the rules to voice any concerns about these proposed rules during tribal consultation.  We believe that items that are placed on a tribal consultation agenda should be posted for comment several days/weeks in advance for review and discussion during tribal consultation.  We therefore object to the 14-day expedited tribal consultation on these proposed rules.  Also, because there is no managed care going into effect on 10/1 these rules are not urgent.  Thank you.

Last Modified on Jul 22, 2021