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APA WF# 21-06 Insure Oklahoma Individual Plan and Timely Filing

These rule changes were previously approved by the OHCA Board of Directors and the Governor and are currently in effect as emergency rules. Due to Oklahoma Statutes, these rules must be taken through the permanent rulemaking process. 

The proposed changes reflect that current Insure Oklahoma (IO) Individual Plan (IP) members, and IO Employer-Sponsored Insurance (ESI) members with incomes at or below 133% of the federal poverty level (FPL), will transition to and be provided services by the SoonerCare program under the expansion adult option. Additionally, proposed changes will remove references to the IO IP program as the program is being terminated. Finally, proposed changes add new timely filing requirements for subsidy payments; and revisions will align and better clarify policy with current practice and correct grammatical errors.

Please view the circulation document here: APA WF# 21-06, and submit feedback via the comment box below. 

Circulation Date: 12/15/2021 

Comment Due Date: 01/18/2022  

Public Hearing: 01/18/2022

Board Meeting: 03/16/2022


No Comments.

Last Modified on Jan 19, 2022