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Diabetes Programs & Benefits


Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support


National Diabetes Prevention Program

Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES)

What is DSMES and how will this program help me?

Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) services help people with diabetes learn how to take the best care of themselves. Ask your doctor for a referral to DSMES services to help you manage your diabetes.

When you learn that you have diabetes, your first question might be, “What can I eat?” DSMES will answer this question and many others. Your first step should be asking your doctor to refer you for DSMES. DSMES services include a health care team who will teach you how to stay healthy and how to make what you learn a regular part of your life.

With DSMES services, you can understand how to take care of yourself and learn the skills to:

  • Eat healthy.
  • Be active.
  • Check your blood sugar (glucose).
  • Take your medicine.
  • Solve problems.
  • Cope with the emotional side of diabetes.
  • Reduce your risk of other health problems.

DSMES Services Benefit

Adults and children/adolescents covered under SoonerCare may receive up to ten (10) hours of training that provides the member with the knowledge, skill and ability necessary for diabetes self-care. Services must be ordered by a physician or qualified non-physician provider who is actively managing the member’s diabetes. Click here to learn more.

Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) - Coming in FY26

What is the National Diabetes Prevention Program and how can it help me?

This CDC-recognized lifestyle change program is a structured program—in person or online—developed specifically to prevent type 2 diabetes and is designed for people who have prediabetes or are at risk for type 2 diabetes, but who do not already have diabetes. A trained Lifestyle Coach leads the program to help you change certain aspects of your lifestyle, like eating healthier, reducing stress, and getting more physical activity. The program also includes group support from others who share your goals and struggles.

This lifestyle change program is not a fad diet, an exercise class or a quick fix. It is a year-long program focused on long-term changes and lasting results by learning new habits, gaining new skills and building confidence. As you begin to eat better and become more active, you’ll notice changes in how you feel and maybe even in how you look. (More to come on this program and benefits when it starts).

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