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Amended Statewide Transition Plan

Pursuant to 42 C.F.R. § 441.301, the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) is required to give public notice and receive public input on any significant proposed changes to the 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waivers. 

Oklahoma Transition Plan for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Settings

The purpose of this Transition Plan is to ensure the individuals receiving Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) are integrated in and have access to supports in the community, including opportunities to seek employment, work in competitive integrated settings, engage in community life, and control personal resources.  The State has prepared a revised transition plan in order to comply with federal regulations for community-based settings. Overall, the Transition Plan provides assurance that the individuals receiving HCBS have the same degree of access as individuals not receiving Medicaid HCBS. This updated Transition Plan outlines the proposed process that Oklahoma will be utilizing to ensure implementation of the new HCBS requirements. 

All HCBS settings have to be in compliance by March 2019. The State must continue to submit Statewide Transition Plans to CMS until both an initial and final approval of the plan is received. The following is an outline of the CMS Statewide Transition Plan submission and approval process:

  1. Initial Proposed Plan
  2. Clarifications and/or Modifications required for Initial Approval (CMIA): The communication CMS sends to the state notifying the state that public comment, input and summary requirements are met, but CMS has identified issues that must be resolved in the STP prior to initial approval.
  3. Initial Approval with Milestones and a Resubmission Date: The communication CMS sends to the state notifying the state that public comment, input and summary requirements are met, the STP is sufficient, but systemic and/or site-specific assessments are not yet completed.  The response to the state will vary dependent on whether the state has or has not identified settings that are presumed to have institutional characteristics and any information the state may wish CMS to consider under the heightened scrutiny process.  
  4. Final Approval: The communication CMS sends to the state notifying the state that public comment, input and summary requirements are met, the STP has provided all necessary information including but not limited to; systemic assessment, site specific assessment, settings presumed to have institutional characteristics, information regarding heightened scrutiny or the state’s decision to let the presumption stand, and clear remedial steps with milestones are delineated.  
  5. Approved Plan: The CMS approved STP.

Please view the Amended Statewide Transition Plan in its entirety here:Amended Statewide Transition Plan. The plan will be posted for public comments from December 22, 2016 - January 22, 2017.The Amended Statewide Transition Plan was submitted to CMS on December 22, 2016. 

For more information regarding the Statewide Transition Plan, please see thetraining webinar video

Previous Submissions and CMS Feedback, concerning the Statewide Transition Plan, can be viewed here:

Please submit your comments via the comment box here. Written comments will also be accepted and can be sent to the Oklahoma Health Care Authority, 4345 N. Lincoln Blvd. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105. Attention: Health Policy 1915(c) Waivers. A non-electronic version of this Statewide Transition Plan can be requested by writing to the address above or calling 1-888-287-2443.

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