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Member Advisory Task Force (MATF)


To improve the SoonerCare Choice program by receiving input and feedback from members and their families.

Role of MATF Members

  • Provide information to the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) regarding issues which are an important part of the members’ health care needs
  • Educate the OHCA staff regarding the needs of consumers to assure services are received in a way preferred by the members
  • Recommend potential changes to  current services and/or policies
  • Offer new ideas for services/policies

Characteristics of Quality Members

  • Is a current or recent SoonerCare Choice member, or a family member of a current or recent member
  • Is available for participation in a majority of MATF Meetings
  • Has the ability to speak not only regarding their personal issues, but also for other SoonerCare Choice members 
  • Has the ability to review information and share the viewpoint of one who is receiving services via SoonerCare Choice
  • Has respect for the viewpoints of others
  • Has demonstrated the ability to communicate in a positive way as a partner, with a variety of individuals
  • Has the ability to consider different opinions and support common ground

Meeting Minutes


August 3, 2019

October 26, 2019

December 7, 2019



For more information, please contact Joni Bruce at

The Member Advisory Task Force is a project of the Oklahoma Health Care Authority in partnership with the Oklahoma Family Network, Oklahoma’s Family-to-Family Health Information Center. 



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