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Expanded use of telehealth and telephonic services during COVID-19 National/State Emergency for COVID-19

The Oklahoma Health Care Authority is allowing expanded use of telehealth beginning March 16, 2020 through the end of the declared public health emergency for services that can be safely provided via secure telehealth communication devices for all SoonerCare members. OHCA will assess the status of the COVID-19 situation toward the end of the public health emergency to determine if the expansion should be continued.

Providers must continue to meet the requirements of OAC 317:30-3-27 in delivering telehealth services and must submit claims using the GT modifier. Additionally, the use of telephonic services (not face-to-face) may be utilized in instances when the SoonerCare member does not have access to telehealth equipment, the service is necessary to the health and safety of the member, and the service can safely and effectively be provided over the telephone.

For providers who bill E&M codes, the codes for telephonic services are 99441, 99442 and 99443. Other healthcare professionals can bill using 98966, 98967 and 98968.

Providers are encouraged to create internal policies and procedures regarding the use of telehealth during a national/state emergency so that all staff understand its appropriate use during this time. Documentation in the client’s record should either reference the provider’s internal policy or otherwise indicate why telehealth was utilized if the service was not reimbursed via telehealth prior to March 16, 2020.

If you have any questions, please call the OHCA provider helpline at 800-522-0114. Thank you for your support of SoonerCare.

For information and dates related to the current public health emergency, please visit


Last Modified on Mar 25, 2021