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Open Records Request Form

If you wish to request public records from the Oklahoma Health Care Authority, please use our convenient online form. Please read down for instructions and helpful hints at the bottom.

Before Proceeding

After completing the form, you will be sent a confirmation e-mail that our office has received your request. Upon completion of our records search, you will be notified by e-mail and provided a detailed billing of the amount due. Upon receipt of payment, you will have three ways to get your records. You can either pick them up, we can mail them to you, or you can get them electronically. If electronically, you can download them from our Web site or have the documents e-mailed, depending on final file size. The download or e-mail file will be a zipped file.

If you want to pay by mail, please mail by check or money order the amount due to: P.O. Drawer 18497, Oklahoma City, OK 73154.

If you choose to pick up your records at the OHCA office location you will be notified when the records search is complete and will be provided the amount due for the search. The records must be picked up at the OHCA office building located at 4345 N. Lincoln Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK 73105. Upon arrival at the OHCA, you will be provided a detailed billing of the search and retrieval fee. Payment by check or money order will be required before the records can be provided to you. 

Helpful Hints

  • If possible, be specific. Instead of requesting all records of providers x, y and z request contract documents between 1999 and 2002 regarding providers x, y and z. While it does not matter to the agency whether the request is specific, generally the more broad the request, the longer it will take to respond to the request.
  • Provide a time frame. Remember the OHCA has operated the program for many years and the Medicaid Program began in Oklahoma in 1966. Instead of requesting all records of regulations pertaining to surgical procedures request policy records for the administrative decision to cover surgical procedure x.
  • Tell the agency whether it is appropriate to respond by electronic documentation. This may save time and mailing cost.  For example, “an electronic response in PDF or other format is acceptable.”
  • Please do not send a request in the form of questions. The correct form of an open records request is a clear statement of records needed.
  • If possible, limit the scope of the request. Instead of requesting “all records” relating to the payment for radiological procedures, request payment records for ABC x-ray company from 2000-2004. While it does not matter to the agency whether the scope is limited, in the case of the open-ended example noted above, the agency would be required to find every contract it had with any radiological provider and then find every claim paid, denied or suspended for all periods of time. Additionally, it would be required to find every other document related to radiological procedures (rate development, hearings, rules, rule development, board hearings) for all time.
  • If possible, list the exact document you are looking for. For example, if you want medical records for a specific member and you are specifically needing medical records from doctor x in February, 2000 ask for, “Provide any medical records in your custody for member x from 1999 to 2001. Specifically, provide member a’s record from doctor x in February, 2000.” This helps the agency focus on your needs with respect to records.
  • Please note: Many documents the agency produces must be redacted (confidential information must be eliminated from the document) or a HIPAA and/or confidentiality release must be obtained.