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In-Home Supports for Adults

In-Home Supports for Adults serves the needs of individuals 18 years of age and older with intellectual disabilities who would otherwise require placement in an ICF/IID.

To qualify for either In-Home Supports waiver, a person must:

  • Reside in the home of a family member or friend, in his or her own home or a DHS foster home or group home operated through the Children and Family Services Division.
  • Have critical support needs which can be met within the annual waiver cap.
  • Be ages 3 to 17 for the children’s waiver for 18 and older for the adult waiver.

IHSW- Adults Services Available

Respite Nursing Services
Adaptive Equipment Nutritional Services
Audiology (Hearing) Occupational, Physical, & Speech Therapies
Exams and Treatment Habilitation Training Specialists (in-home care)
Psychological Counseling Medical Supplies and Services
Employment Services Transportation
Dental Exams Family Training
Architectural Modifications to the Home

More Information

  • Oklahoma Department of Human Services



Last Modified on Dec 09, 2020