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Tell Us Your Story

dj-wsJason - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 

Doris and her husband were willing to take their grandson Jason into their home when he needed a place to live; however the problem they faced was how to pay for his many medical needs.

They needed financial help so they could provide the medical tests and treatment their grandson needed. That’s when SoonerCare came into the picture.

Although, Doris had always been Jason’s main caregiver, she and her husband weren’t awarded permanent custody until March of 2005.

“SoonerCare made a big difference in my life and Jason’s life,” said Doris. “He had so many problems, and we are so thankful SoonerCare could help us keep our grandson healthy.”

Once she was able to enroll Jason in SoonerCare, he started seeing a psychologist and having needed medical tests.

Doris said she finally got Jason an appointment with a specialist who diagnosed Jason with Asperger’s, ADHD and severe allergies. Doris said when he got Jason the medication he needed, it really helped with his Asperger’s.

Everything was going well until August 2011 when Jason began to experience some changes in his behavior. Jason spent three weeks at St. Anthony’s Management Behavior Unit where they changed his medications.

“He went back to school and has been fine since,” Doris said.

Doris said her husband has Alzheimer’s disease, and currently, they live on their Social Security benefits and her state retirement.

“I couldn’t do it without SoonerCare and all the medical treatment they provide for Jason,” she said. “SoonerCare has helped me and him tremendously.”

Learn more about SoonerCare

OHCA’s “Tell Us Your Story” campaign was inspired by one mother’s thankful call to a SoonerCare outreach employee. The agency is asking other SoonerCare members to tell the agency how SoonerCare changed their lives and the lives of their loved ones.

Oklahomans can apply for SoonerCare online at Learn more about SoonerCare and other health care programs on the website or call the SoonerCare Helpline at 800-987-7767.







  • On average, more than 50 percent of the estimated Oklahoma populations younger than age 18 have been enrolled in SoonerCare.
  • SoonerCare provides quality health care for 1 in 4 Oklahomans.
  • SoonerCare provides medical, dental and vision coverage for children who qualify for the program.
  • More than 570,000 Oklahoma children are currently enrolled in SoonerCare.
  • A family of four can have an annual income of more than $50,000 and may still qualify for SoonerCare.
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