OHCA hosts 13th annual dental event at Riverside Indian Boarding School
Press Release
August 30, 2019
Media Contact:
Katelynn Burns, Sr. Public Information Representative
405-522-7266 | katelynn.burns@okhca.org
OHCA hosts 13th annual dental event at Riverside Indian Boarding School
Anadarko – An annual dental evaluation and health screening event co-sponsored by the Oklahoma Health Care Authority at the Riverside Indian Boarding School recently helped 563 students get dental exams and supplies.
The OHCA was joined by the Oklahoma State Department of Health, Indian Health Services, the American Heart Association, Colgate Palmolive, Southern Plains Tribal Health Board, and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma to sponsor the 13th annual event on Aug. 23.
”We are thankful for the many partners who helped with this event and the continued growth which ultimately improves the health of the Riverside students,” said OHCA CEO Kevin Corbett.
Students received onsite dental evaluations, eye screenings, behavioral health screenings, and body mass index (BMI) measurements. They also received information discussing the effects of using tobacco on their teeth, gums and body. Students learned how to achieve and maintain good oral health. Any follow up care needed for the students was coordinated by the Indian Health Services.
OHCA staff extends appreciation to Colgate-Palmolive who donated toothbrushes and toothpaste and all partners who provide education and supplies to promote healthy living.
To learn more about OHCA and its programs, please visit www.okhca.org.
Canielle Preston, OHCA Provider Services Representative, talking to Riverside students.
About the Oklahoma Health Care Authority
The Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) administers two health programs for the state. The first is SoonerCare, Oklahoma’s Medicaid program. SoonerCare works to improve the health of qualified Oklahomans by ensuring that medically necessary benefits and services are available. Qualifying Oklahomans include certain low-income children, seniors, the disabled, those being treated for breast or cervical cancer and those seeking family planning services. The second program OHCA operates is Insure Oklahoma, which assists qualifying adults and small business employees in obtaining health care coverage for themselves and their families. Currently, there are 809,162 Oklahomans enrolled in OHCA’s programs. The agency contracts with a network of 54,643 providers. For more information, visit www.okhca.org or www.insureoklahoma.org.