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Director's Memo 2023-12-18

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Oklahoma CareerTech: The Heart and Soul of Workforce Development

Oklahoma CareerTech leaders, along with Lt. Gov. Matt Pinnell, talk about how the agency leads workforce development in Oklahoma in a new video from Oklahoma CareerTech.

CareerTech offers customized training for business and industry and equips the next generation of workers to preserve Oklahoma as the best state in which to live and work.

Watch the video on the Oklahoma CareerTech YouTube channel.


CareerTech Foundation awards $57,304 in scholarships

The Oklahoma CareerTech Foundation recently awarded more than $57,000 in scholarships to 132 postsecondary students in Oklahoma.

The foundation distributed $57,304 in Otha Grimes and Francis Tuttle Memorial scholarships to students attending Oklahoma CareerTech technology centers. Scholarships ranged from $250 to $500 per student. Two of the students, one from Wes Watkins Technology Center and one from Kiamichi Technology Centers-Talihina, also each received a $500 Francis Tuttle Memorial Scholarship.

“I am very proud of the students earning the scholarships and the value they see in pursuing meaningful education. I am also proud of the work our foundation has done to support them,” said Brent Haken, Oklahoma CareerTech state director.

Read more on the Oklahoma CareerTech website.


Tech centers named to Top Workplaces list

Three Oklahoma technology centers were named to the 2023 Top Workplaces list by The Oklahoman.

Central Tech in Drumright and Meridian Tech in Stillwater were named to the midsize workplace list. Eastern Oklahoma County Tech in Choctaw was named to the small workplace list.

Read more on The Oklahoman’s website.


Northwest Tech opens mobile hearing test trailer

Northwest Technology Center is rolling out a new audiometric hearing test trailer that will allow businesses to conduct hearing tests on-site.

The trailer is designed to meet OSHA requirements for hearing conservation programs, and Northwest Tech provides hearing conservation training as well.

Read more about the trailer on the Alva Review-Courier’s website.


Gordon Cooper Tech, Citizen Potawatomi Nation partner on lineworker training

Gordon Cooper Technology Center in Shawnee is working with the Citizen Potawatomi Nation to provide lineworker training in the area.

The program, which GCTC created in response to feedback from CPN and other industry leaders, launched in September with six students, according to Fox 25. When it ends this month, the students can take CDL training in January or start work as pre-apprentices.

Read more on the Fox 25 website.


Useful links

Follow us on X (formerly Twitter) at @okcareertech and find us on Facebook at OklahomaCareerTech and on Instagram at oklahomacareertech. Find our podcast at and watch our biweekly news show and other videos on our YouTube channel.

For news about Oklahoma’s CareerTech System, subscribe to CareerTech communications.

State Agency Assistance at a Glance

National Research Center for Career and Technical Education

OK Career Guide

OK Career Guide Training Opportunities

CareerTech Curriculum


It ain’t ignorance that causes all the trouble in this world. It’s the things people know that ain’t so. -- Edwin Howard Armstrong
Last Modified on Dec 19, 2023
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