CareerTech enrollment up for second year
For the second consecutive year, Oklahoma CareerTech enrollment has risen in each of its delivery arms.
Systemwide enrollment was 489,635 in fiscal year 2023, up 9.5% from fiscal 2022’s 446,940.
Technology center enrollments -- business and industry training, adult and career development, secondary and postsecondary full-time programs and single-course programs -- were 339,058, up 13.5% from 298,675 in fiscal 2022.
“In addition to enrollment increases across the board, membership in CareerTech student organizations rose to another all-time high in fiscal 2023,” said CareerTech State Director Brent Haken. “The increased enrollment reflects a growing realization of the value of a CareerTech education and the need for curriculums that emphasize career readiness.”
Read more on the Oklahoma CareerTech website.
Agencies work together on workforce pipeline
Oklahoma CareerTech, the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission and the Department of Rehabilitation Services all have the same mission to increase the pipeline of workers in the state, CareerTech State Director Brent Haken told The Journal Record.
The three agencies are part of the Oklahoma Workforce Commission, which coordinates a workforce development strategy. The partnership will help the agencies get more people into the state’s workforce, Haken said.
Read more on The Journal Record website.
Lieutenant governor lends support to Choose Aerospace
Oklahoma educators, industry partners and policymakers gathered recently at Tulsa Tech’s Owasso campus in support of the mission of Choose Aerospace.
Lt. Gov. Matt Pinnell spoke about the bright future of Oklahoma’s aerospace industry.
Choose Aerospace is a nonprofit consortium aiming to fill the need for qualified aviation technicians. Oklahoma policymakers recently made the Choose Aerospace maintenance curriculum free to schools and students that choose to establish aviation technician programs.
See the video on Oklahoma CareerTech’s YouTube page.
Central Tech opens cosmetology program in Sapulpa
Central Technology Center recently celebrated the grand opening of a cosmetology program on its Sapulpa campus.
The tech center’s cosmetology program regularly has more than 100 students on a waitlist every year, according to Kim Howard, Sapulpa campus director.
The new program has 4,100 square feet of space with 20 salon stations, six nail stations, three pedicure stations and three facial chairs. It will open its services to the public in December.
Read more about the new program on the Central Tech website.
Metro Tech launches multimedia journalism program
Metro Technology Centers is launching a multimedia journalism program with a $150,000 grant awarded to the Metro Tech Foundation by the Kirkpatrick Foundation.
The new program will offer high school juniors and seniors training in photography, podcasting, video production and social media.
Read more about the new program on the Metro Tech website.
Useful links
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For news about Oklahoma’s CareerTech System, subscribe to CareerTech communications.
State Agency Assistance at a Glance
National Research Center for Career and Technical Education
OK Career Guide Training Opportunities
As my father used to tell me, the only true sign of success in life is being able to do for a living that which makes you happy. -- Al Yankovic