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Director's Memo 2021-05-03

Monday, May 03, 2021

Some CLEET courses to be taught at tech centers

Oklahoma CareerTech technology centers will be able to teach some CLEET courses to high school students under a bill recently signed by the governor.

The bill allows tech centers to include courses on things like patrol tactics and procedures, traffic procedures, accident investigation and crime scene processing in their law enforcement programs for high school students.

Read more on KSWO’s website.

Construction industry discussion includes CareerTech

Oklahoma CareerTech State Director Marcie Mack recently joined a discussion about issues facing Oklahoma’s growing construction industry.

The Oklahoma News Report hosted a roundtable discussion concerning the industry’s need for skilled labor and building supplies. Also participating were Oklahoma State Labor Commissioner Leslie Osborn and Debra Wojtek, public relations and outreach officer for the Oklahoma Construction Industries Board.

Oklahomans honored for ‘Making It Work’

The Oklahoma Career and Technical Education Equity Council honored 12 Oklahomans and four businesses and organizations at the 27th annual Making It Work Day at the Capitol in a virtual ceremony April 30.

Making It Work Day recognizes individuals who are committed to removing barriers to success for single-parent families by providing educational experiences for students beyond the classroom. The ceremony also recognized nontraditional students.

OkCTEEC is affiliated with the administrative division of the Oklahoma Association of Career and Technology Education. The council advocates for students pursuing nontraditional careers and for resources for educating single parents.

Oklahoma FFA holds 95th State Convention

The 95th Oklahoma State FFA Convention on April 27-28 in the Chesapeake Arena in Oklahoma City included six sessions, the Convention Expo with more than 100 exhibitors and eight different leadership workshops.

During the convention, 747 high school seniors were awarded the State FFA Degree. Winners were announced and scholarships presented in 45 different Proficiency Award areas. In addition, 262 members received Career Passports in industry specific areas. Winners in 39 Career Development Events and 11 Public Speaking divisions were recognized on stage.

Caitlyn Mack of Drummond FFA won the State Star Farmer award, Drake Williams of Cherokee FFA received the State Star in Agribusiness award, Emma Victery of Chickasha FFA was recognized as the State Star in Ag Placement, and Kenzie McAlister from Stillwater FFA won the State Star in Agriscience award.

The 2021-22 state FFA officer team was elected and announced. The team will be led by President Dalton Rogers of Owasso. Other officers elected are Secretary Braden Burns, Kingfisher; Reporter Abby Bell, Bristow; Northeast Area Vice President Quetta Woodall, Afton; Northwest Area Vice President Braden Heisler, Waukomis; Central Area Vice President Kade McGowen, Maysville; Southeast Area Vice President Carson Capps, Byng; and Southwest Area Vice President Tyler Waugh, Tipton.

Oklahoma SkillsUSA students compete during virtual state conference

More than 2,000 Oklahoma SkillsUSA students competed in more than 145 contests during the virtual State Leadership Conference in April.

State officers met in person for the first time since the start of the pandemic when they recorded messages at Oklahoma CareerTech.

Oklahoma SkillsUSA also used ODCTE’s studio and production team to help record and create the State Conference Awards Ceremony, which will be posted to the website on May 4.

Oklahoma HOSA members attend virtual state conference

More than 2,000 Oklahoma HOSA members and advisers from 105 chapters attended the virtual State Leadership Conference in April.

They raised more than $16,000 for the HOSA service project, Be The Match, and documented more than 6,500 hours of community service. Five chapters were recognized as Outstanding HOSA Chapters, and there were 24 Star Chapter recipients: seven platinum, nine gold, seven silver and one bronze.

Eighteen teams participated in the anatomage tournament. Tulsa Tech-Biomed teams finished second and third in the secondary class, and Central Tech-HCC was third. In the postsecondary class, Metro Tech-Rad Tech was first, and Canadian Valley-PN was second.

Members also competed in 105 events. Links to the winners lists and general sessions can be found on the CTSO’s website.

Wind technology scholarships offered

Duke Energy Renewables and AT&T announced they are offering $20,000 in scholarships to High Plains Technology Center in Woodward for students pursuing wind turbine technology careers.

The Duke Energy Foundation awarded $10,000 to establish the Duke Energy Renewables Wind Energy Scholarship and AT&T contributed $10,000 as part of AT&T’s Renewable Energy Scholarship program. The mission of both programs is to establish a more diverse renewable energy workforce and create pathways to sustainable careers, especially among women and people of color.

Read more on Duke Energy’s website.

Useful links

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Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today. -- Will Rogers
Last Modified on May 15, 2023
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