Resources to help
To help contain the spread of COVID-19 many ODCTE staff members are working remotely. Please do not hesitate to contact any of our staff members and we will respond as soon as possible. To help support career and technology educators across the state, the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education has instructional resources and guidance on financial, educational and other issues on their website.
CareerTech Hall of Fame nominations open
Nominations for the Oklahoma CareerTech Hall of Fame are now open, and the deadline has been extended indefinitely.
If you would like to nominate a deserving individual for this prestigious honor, please visit the website listed below.
For more information, please contact Gina Hubbard at 405-743-5167 or
Oklahoma CareerTech reaches out to help
- Wes Watkins Tech donated PPE to medical professionals in Shawnee, Holdenville, Hughes County and Okfuskee County.
- Francis Tuttle Tech donated ventilators to Canadian Valley Integris Hospital.
Technology centers, including Autry Tech, Tulsa Tech, Pioneer Tech, Southwest Tech, Moore Norman Tech, Canadian Valley Tech, Northeast Tech, Francis Tuttle Tech, Wes Watkins Tech, Metro Tech, Chisholm Trail Tech, Gordon Cooper Tech, Caddo Kiowa Tech and Kiamichi Tech, have donated personal protective equipment (masks, gowns, goggles, gloves), hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes and spray to local facilities. Many of the supplies are normally used for health careers education. CVTC also donated the plants from its canceled greenhouse sale to area parks and public garden spaces.
Tech centers like Indian Capital Tech are also using 3D printers to print masks, protective shields and other supplies. Francis Tuttle Tech and other tech centers have also loaned hospitals the ventilators that they use in health careers education classes.
A CareerTech Gateway to Technology teacher at Sequoyah Middle School in Edmond used the school’s laser engraver to make hooks for medical professionals’ masks so they don’t have to hook them on their ears. A Meridian Tech STEM instructor did the same for Stillwater Medical Center staff.
Emergency business resources available through Oklahoma Department of Commerce
There are a number of programs for small businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Small Business Administration has information on an overview and comparison of the resources. The Oklahoma Department of Commerce has specific information to Oklahoma businesses along with local assistance and guidance information.
If you need assistance with your business, Oklahoma technology centers’ business and industry services is a resource for you as well. If you are not sure who to contact, Max McKnight at ODCTE is here to help.
Instructional resources available
The Resource Center for CareerTech Advancement has several free instructional resources available for students and teachers, from an employability guide to lessons in infection, immunology and sanitation.
Horizon looks at automotive industry
Next time on Horizon, the podcast will hit the open road to get a closer look at the automotive industry in Oklahoma, in “Driving Progress.”
With more than 100 million passenger vehicles in America today, it pays to be in the automotive business. But with new technology speeding ahead at a breakneck pace, it’s important for technology education programs to keep up.
The podcast visits the OKC Auto Show, where students show off their skills and network with potential employers and educators, and an auto service program, where electric, hybrid and natural gas vehicles are part of the curriculum. Auto shops and dealerships have a stake in this too, as they look for new and innovative ways to further workforce development.
The episode will be a primer for CareerTech’s involvement in the auto industry in Oklahoma, so if you encounter anyone wanting to learn more about that, this upcoming episode will be a great place to start.
See the trailer at
You count, so make sure you’re counted
It’s not too late to get counted in the U.S. census. Your community -- and all of Oklahoma -- will lose out if you’re not counted.
The census determines how much federal money Oklahoma and its communities will receive for services like health care, parks, roads, education and more. Oklahoma communities stand to gain an estimated $1,675 per person per year for the next 10 years.
Your community and your state need you, so take the time to fill out your census form when it arrives. It takes less than 15 minutes to fill out and is legally private. The Census Bureau is forbidden by law from sharing your answers with anyone. And for the first time, you’ll be able to fill it out online if you choose.
Useful links
Follow us on Twitter at @okcareertech and find us on Facebook at OKCareerTech and on Instagram at oklahomacareertech and read our blog, Oklahoma CareerTech Delivers. Find our podcast at
For news about Oklahoma’s CareerTech System, subscribe to CareerTech communications.
Don’t count the days, make the days count. -- Muhammad Ali