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T2L Cohort for Learning

This program provides a unique quick start opportunity to beginning career and technology teachers who do not hold degrees in teacher education. Participants will be professionally and personally challenged as they progress through this program. The program is rigorous, but will provide beginning teachers with critical classroom strategies and foundational skills proved to be effective in today's CareerTech classroom.

Registration for 2024 is now open.

Register for T2L Cohort for Learning

Program Rationale and Overview

CareerTech teachers face the challenge of preparing all students for the high-performance workplace of the 21st century and for continued learning throughout life. With more and more teachers entering through an alternative route to certification, beginning teachers need timely, focused professional development and a significant amount of support.

  • Interactive workshops designed around key areas of competency for beginning teachers — classroom management, instructional planning, instructional strategies and classroom assessment.
  • Participation in a professional learning community with other beginning teachers across the state.
  • On-site visits from workshop instructors/coaches to answer teachers’ questions and provide feedback on their progress.
  • Coordinated support with each teachers' school administrators and mentor teachers.

Eligibility for T2L Cohort for Learning

Training and support are designed for beginning CareerTech teachers who do not hold degrees in teacher education. The following guidelines for eligibility apply:

  • Two or fewer years of experience.
  • An alternative or provisional teaching certificate.

At this time, enrollment in the program is open to all who apply. If the number of applicants exceeds an effective student-to-instructor ratio, however, a selection process will be applied and candidates will be notified of their acceptance.

  • Cost

    Cost is $750 per person, which includes meals, resources and materials provided during training. 
  • Registration for 2024-25 is now open.

    Information needed for registration includes name and contact information for the new teacher, an on-site mentor, and an instructional leader.
  • Benefits

    The professional development sessions help beginning career and technology teachers meet the challenges that most teachers face in their first few years of teaching.

    Coaching visits provide just-in-time answers about classroom management, assessment and planning.
  • Dates and Locations


Benefits to Administrators and Mentor Teachers

  • The program materials provide specific suggestions to beginning teachers that guide the interactions they will have with administrators and mentors. Suggestions include topics for discussion, areas of focus for observations and materials to share and discuss together. These materials will add substance to the teacher-mentor relationship and provide a common language the new teacher and mentor can use to discuss their practice.
  • The program materials include research-based, up-to-date resources that can be used with any career and technology teacher. Instructional planning templates, classroom management planning forms, assessment guides and information about how to implement cooperative learning can help administrators and mentor teachers improve curriculum and instruction.
  • Mentor Payment will be sent to the school and based on documented hours spent with the beginning teacher.


Expectations for Teachers in the Program Mentor Payment Scale

Mentor Payment Scale

  • $500 for 62 or more hours mentoring
  • $400 for 52 to 61 hours of mentoring
  • $300 for 42 to 51 hours of mentoring
  • $200 for 32 to 41 hours of mentoring
  • $100 for 22 to 31 hours of mentoring hours
  • No payment for 21 or fewer mentoring hours

Expectations for Teachers in the Program

  • Attend all training sessions. (See dates and locations below.)
  • Complete teaching plans in the training sessions and use them in the classroom. As part of the training sessions, teachers will be asked to create documents that include teaching ideas, tools and plans. Once they have used what they plan, they will be asked to bring examples to the next training session.
  • Seek feedback from mentor teachers and administrators through the year and incorporate that feedback into classroom practice.

    Specific tasks and suggestions will be provided for conversations and activities involving both the administrator and the teacher mentor.

Expectations of Administrator and Mentor

  • Training for Administrators and Mentors

    Participate in an ODCTE sponsored online professional development training for administrators and mentors every five years.
  • Provide feedback to beginning teachers through the year and support for incorporating that feedback into classroom practice.

    Teacher mentors and administrators will be expected to meet regularly with the beginning teacher, who will have specific topics of conversation and activities assigned for this purpose.
  • Provide financial support for the beginning teacher to participate in all the professional development sessions, including:

    - Registration fee
    - Travel and lodging expenses
    - Substitute teacher pay during quarterly session dates
  • Assist new teacher with the application process.

    Contact your beginning teacher and ask him or her to complete the electronic application.

    Provide your beginning teacher with the name, email and phone contact information of the building mentor and administrator who will provide support throughout the program.


Mentor Responsibilities:
  • Participate and actively engaged in the mentoring process.
  • Participate in approved online mentor training (mentors must attend training every five years).
  • Provide support and instruction to new teacher.
  • Commit to spending a minimum of 62 hours in one-on-one mentoring with the new teacher.
  • Keep new teacher, instructional leader and instructional coach informed of the teacher's progress.
  • Document hours spent during mentoring process using the Onsite Mentor Reimbursement Form.
  • Submit mentoring information on the Onsite Mentor Reimbursement Form quarterly. Submission dates: Oct. 15, Dec. 10, March 11 and May 6.
Administrator Responsibilities:
  • Participate in approved online mentor/administrator training (instructional leaders are encouraged to attend training every five years).
  • Provide resources necessary for mentor to participate in mentor training.
  • Develop and use selection criteria for determining their on-site mentors.
  • Provide on-site guidance and evaluation of mentoring process
  • Work with the new teacher and mentors to resolve any concerns or issues.
  • Meet with the New Teacher Team a minimum of three times -- beginning of school year, middle of school year and end of school year.
  • Provide adequate time and support for mentor and new teacher to obtain the 62 hours of mentoring.
  • Have all participants sign the New Teacher Team Agreement form at the first team meeting.
  • We strongly recommend that the new teacher and mentor be on the same campus.
Instructional Coach Responsibilities:
  • Provide a minimum of four visits to each new teacher during the school year.
  • Participate in professional development opportunities sponsored by ODCTE.
  • To serve as support, not as an evaluator, to the new teacher. Input into hiring and other personnel decisions will not be provided.
  • Facilitate team meetings with the new teacher, on-site mentor and instructional leader.
  • Provide communication to the instructional leaders, on-site mentor and ODCTE.
  • Provide guidance to the mentoring process.

Mentor, Administrator, and Instructional Coach Training

Training will be offered both in-person and online during the 2024-2025 academic year.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Nancy Rodriguez, Leadership & Professional Development Coordinator

Carrie Miller, Leadership & Professional Development Coordinator



Lodging information will be available based on need.

Last Modified on May 23, 2024