What is High Schools that Work (HSTW)?
High Schools That Work connects college-ready academics, challenging career pathways and hands-on workplace learning to credentials and degrees and emerging career opportunities.
Principals, teachers and counselors use powerful instructional strategies, curricula and professional development to reorganize instruction around rigorous assignments. Students master academic, technical, technological, cognitive and workplace skills and graduate ready for college and careers. HSTW has transformed more than 4,000 schools in 36 states.
Two Oklahoma technology centers and one high school were awarded the Dr. Gene Bottoms Pacesetter Award.
Gordon Cooper Technology Center, Mid-America Technology and Moore High School have been named Gene Bottoms Pacesetter Schools for 2020.
To be recognized as an outstanding Gene Bottoms Pacesetter School, a school must achieve the following:
- Be an active member of the Making Schools Work network for two consecutive years.
- Administer SREB’s student and teacher surveys for middle grades schools, high schools and/or technology centers.
- Provide evidence of implementing with fidelity one of the key practices.
- Provide evidence of student achievement.
- Participate in the staff development conference and present a session aligned to the key practice for which the school is being recognized for the award.
For more information about HSTW (High Schools That Work) follow the links below:
Last Modified on
Jun 02, 2023