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Education Resources

Information related to education benefits and education-related questions.

Education & Training

Use your GI Bill at your local tech center. The Post 9/11 GI Bill has opened new opportunities for education and training for veterans' that were non-existent in the past. You can now use your GI Bill to pay for training in non-college degree programs at your local technology center.

Non-college degree training includes programs that produce career-specific diploma or professional certifications. Training is designed to advance your skills, especially in relation to your present or future job. Non-college degree programs include training for jobs that are based on manual or practical activities related to a specific trade, occupation or vocation. They do not normally include training for a specific profession.

Examples of non-college degree training are CareerTech programs such as the following:

  • HVAC Certification.
  • Truck Driving.
  • EMT Certification.
  • Barber/Beautician School.

For many veterans, the Montgomery GI Bill is the most significant benefit for their service. Depending on how many years served, veterans are eligible for up to 36 months of education payments. The GI Bill can pay for college or technical school, apprenticeship, certification and on-the-job training. Some veterans may also be eligible for vocational rehabilitation, which combines education with an employment goal. For more on the GI Bill, check out Education After Your Service.

Vocational Rehabilitation

Disabled veterans may also be eligible for vocational rehabilitation through the VA. This program helps veterans identify work they can perform despite their injuries and the education needed. It then pays for their education and helps them find employment. For more on vocational rehabilitation, visit

Career Focus: After Military Service

Oklahoma CareerTech's Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center developed this guide for veterans who are leaving the military and transitioning to a civilian career. It walks veterans through five steps in making this transition: self-assessment, exploring career interests and options, filling a skills gap, finding and applying for a job and managing the career transition.

Rand Corporation Veteran Resources

These Rand Corporation resources are based on research conducted with the Jobs Mission initiative or sponsored by the Transition to Veterans Program Office of the Office of the Secretary of Defense.

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Last Modified on Dec 26, 2024
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