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2024 Spring Awards

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Spotlight Awards

Jerry Greenwood

The effort Jerry Greenwood puts forth in his job makes a huge impact on Oklahoma CareerTech and saves the agency money. His always positive attitude boosts his colleagues and the customers with whom he comes in contact every day as he delivers orders. His knowledge and attitude in front of the print plant customers is public relations that money can’t buy.

He is always willing to help with a project or problem. He has maintenance supplies organized and knows right away if the print plant has something that will solve a problem.

In addition, his ability to repair and maintain equipment keeps downtime to a minimum and allows the use of equipment beyond its estimated life expectancy. He sees value in items that are being retired, such as a machine that hadn’t been used in several years. He took it apart and saved motors and other parts for use elsewhere. He then took the frame and created a rolling table so printing technicians could have a sturdy moveable workspace. His creation saved money and increased productivity.


Ashley Rink

Ashley Rink consistently goes above and beyond to mentor fellow employees. She makes an effort to welcome new employees, show them the ropes and answer any questions they may have. Her ability to empathize, understand individual needs and provide tailored support sets her apart as an exemplary mentor, colleague and friend.

She offers guidance on professional development, provides constructive feedback and lends a listening ear -- and does it all with enthusiasm and compassion.

She demonstrates a strong work ethic, positive attitude and commitment to excellence that inspires others to reach their full potential.


Rebecca Saxon

Rebecca Saxon has helped Skills Centers staff members adjust to a new student information system. Staff members loved the old system, and this employee faced resistance during the conversion, but she worked hard to earn the staff members’ trust.

She traveled to all the Skills Centers sites several times to walk employees through the system. She continues to conduct online training every two weeks and still travels to sites.

She answers any questions instructors have and troubleshoots for them as well. She built a rapport with the staff, who have embraced her as one of them and feel comfortable asking any questions.


Barrett Richardson

Barrett Richardson began his career with the Skills Centers in 2005, moving from the Office of Juvenile Affairs. He started as a transition coordinator working with participants of a young offender grant who were being discharged from the Department of Corrections.

After the grant’s three-year period, he continued to serve students while the administration looked for other funding opportunities. He moved to Yukon in 2008 and became a project manager.

His projects and partnership programs have included Project MOVES with Pioneer, Tulsa and Moore Norman tech centers; young offender programs with Francis Tuttle and Autry tech centers; and CDL partner programs with Central and Northwest tech centers. He has also worked with DOC partners at Clara Waters, Union City, Enid CCC, NEOCC, several workforce regions, DHS, DPS, district attorneys, probation offices, county courts and Social Security offices.

His efforts to build industry and educational partnerships have helped many students find good jobs throughout the state.


Team Spotlight Awards

Facility and Logistic Services

When the agricultural education division came to work one day in January ready to set up for a teacher in-service session, staff members discovered the conference room they had reserved a year before wasn’t reserved any more.

Someone else was in Tuttle, and they had 60 teachers and presenters on their way and nowhere to put them. So they called Renae Lomenick and Brian Bates, and facility and logistic services got to work.

Brian Bates, Alan Bateson and Bobby Berkenbile dropped everything to help set up the Alexander Conference Room. They allowed the ag ed division to provide training to teachers to help the Oklahoma STEM workforce grow. It was a snug fit, but it worked.

The nominators said, “Larry Mishler would have been proud. IYKYK.”


STEM Division

The STEM division’s staff members visited more than 300 programs, administrators and CareerTech education directors and helped more than 100 new programs grow in fiscal years 2024 and 2025.

They worked with industry representatives through the Tulsa University cybersecurity curriculum development and the Manufacturing Alliance teacher event. They also contributed to the Tinker Air Show, STEM City and the StellarXplorer and Cyberpatriot awards event.

They have built relationships in the aerospace industry and have connected teachers with workforce partners to provide internships, on-the-job training and work-based learning. They also work STEM events, such as TSA LEAD, fall leadership conference, mini and regional conferences and state leadership conference. They have presented in all STEM program areas at both state and national levels.


Rising Star Awards

Brenna Long

Brenna Long began working as an administrative assistant at the end of February. She did an excellent job keeping track of the staff, setting up meetings, completing travel and doing all the other tasks that no one else does -- and doing it with a smile on her face while asking what else she could do to help.

About a month and a half after she started work, her manager had to take extended leave, and she began to work with another person as her manager. She took it in stride, doing what she could to help everyone.

She volunteered to spend a day at the communications and marketing booth at the FFA State Convention and has offered to help with photography whenever she is needed.

In addition, when a staff member moved to another division, this employee willingly took over those duties while still keeping her own duties as administrative assistant. At that person's last meeting in our division, this employee helped plan a surprise party, helped decorate for it, coordinated a card -- collecting everyone's signatures -- and personally bought a gift.


Brittany Crane-Hodge

Brittany Crane-Hodge has been a trailblazer since joining CareerTech in December 2023. She has worked tirelessly to recruit two large school districts to the OK Career Guide platform.

She has been innovative in recruiting additional schools, agencies, organizations and nonprofits to OK Career Guide and Connect2Business. She has met many times with a large agency that could increase the OK Career Guide user numbers by 15,000.

She has helped create career planning materials that will help educators, students and adults who want to further their education or find employment. She has also worked to break down silos by getting to know coworkers from other divisions. She is dedicated to supporting CareerTech’s strategic goals and maintaining a positive morale.

Last Modified on Jun 12, 2024
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