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CareerTech plans career advising workshop

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Oklahoma CareerTech will offer a national career advising workshop for school counselors and advisers next year.

“Empowering Student Success Through Career Advising and Career Technical Education,” delivered by Advance CTE, is designed to provide school counselors and advisers the information and resources they need to connect students with opportunities aligned with their career plans. Advance CTE is a national nonprofit organization that represents state career and technology education directors and state leaders responsible for secondary, postsecondary and adult CTE.

“After receiving the information on the workshop, we felt strongly that Oklahoma CareerTech counselors and advisers could benefit from this training as it relates to a student’s individual career academic plan,” said Shawna Nord, counseling and career development manager at Oklahoma CareerTech.

The workshop will focus on perceptions of career and technology education; workforce and labor market information; programs of study and delivery systems; career exploration and career development; bias in career and academic advisement; and communication with families and students.

Participants will learn more about work-based learning and dual and concurrent credit; discover how to access information on programs and the labor market in Oklahoma; and develop strategies to communicate the value of career and technology education to students, families, administrators, counselors and others.

“We want to help provide resources for Oklahoma CareerTech counselors that illustrate the full range of education and career options as they help their students find their paths to success,” said CareerTech State Director Marcie Mack.

Dates have not yet been set for the workshop, which will be delivered in two half-day sessions, but CareerTech is looking at setting it at the end of May or beginning of June, Nord said. Registration will begin in March or April, depending on the date of the workshop, she added. The workshop will be limited to 30 participants.

Last Modified on Jan 05, 2022
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