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Director's Memo 2023-1-17

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Ninth CareerTech state director begins official duties

Oklahoma CareerTech State Director Brent Haken began official duties today.

Haken was named to the position in November by the Oklahoma State Board of Career and Technology Education. He is the ninth director in ODCTE’s history.

Lee Denney, who has been serving as the CareerTech interim state director since February 2022, will stay on as chief of staff until someone is hired to fill that position. It has been vacant since July.

Read more on the Oklahoma CareerTech website.


Two OEIP events planned this month

Oklahoma Education and Industry Partnerships will hold two events this month, one virtual and one in-person.

OEIP and Tech-Labs will host Latest Technology for Advanced Manufacturing and Aerospace from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Jan. 26 at Tulsa Technology Center-Riverside Campus. Topics will include additive manufacturing, digital scanning, collaborative robot applications and electric vehicle manufacturing.

Educators and students can learn more about graphic arts in a one-hour virtual session at 10 a.m. Jan. 31. Guest speakers will be Richard Kirksey, multimedia instructor at High Plains Technology Center; Mike Staubus, art director and illustrator at Eskimo Joe’s; and Bryan M. Richter, graphic designer at Oklahoma CareerTech.

Jan. 26 registration

Jan. 31 registration


Tulsa Tech student wins video contest

A Tulsa Technology Center student won a national video competition sponsored by the National Center for Construction Education and Research and Build Your Future.

Grace Mcinnis, an introduction to construction student, won the “I Built This!” secondary competition and received a DeWalt tool kit, a backpack and a Carhartt tool belt.

Learn more about the contest and see the winning videos on the Build Your Future website.


Problem-solving workshop planned

Oklahoma CareerTech has planned a professional development session to help instructors prepare their students for a changing workplace.

“Using Problem-Solving to Make Your Students Future-Ready” will be from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Feb. 16 at Gordon Cooper Technology Center in Shawnee. Presenters will be Craig Maile, leadership and professional development manager at Oklahoma CareerTech, and Gary Wrinkle, director of state and district partnerships at Southern Regional Education Board/Making Schools Work.

The session is designed to help instructors consider how schools may need to change to meet new demands of the workplace and learn how to implement a strategic problem-solving design process.



Northeast Tech students assist Mayes County

Northeast Technology Center-Pryor Campus students recently helped Mayes County Emergency Management.

The students serviced the agency’s large and small generators and its light towers.

See photos of the students and equipment on Northeast Tech’s Facebook page.


Useful links

Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth. -- Muhammad Ali
Last Modified on Jan 17, 2023
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