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Director's Memo 2020-06-01

Monday, June 01, 2020

Virtual OEIP offers online professional development for teachers

The Oklahoma Education and Industry Partnership offers an outstanding professional development opportunity for Oklahoma educators each summer. All in-person events have been canceled this year, but the sessions will still be offered online.

OEIP’s mission is to create a pipeline for partnerships among educators, counselors, administrators, partners, students, industry leaders, government policy makers and members of the economic development community. Grant opportunities are available to those who attend at least eight hours of OEIP sessions.

Sessions are Health, June 10; Aerospace, June 11; Virtual Classroom 101, June 16; Virtual Classroom 102, June 18; and Industry Connections, June 23. A complete schedule, registration forms and more information is available on the OEIP page on Oklahoma CareerTech’s website.

OEIP web page

OK Career Guide offers webinar training

In-person training sessions for OK Career Guide may have been canceled, but training is still available online. The team offers regularly scheduled webinars, posts videos on YouTube and offers training guides on the Oklahoma CareerTech website.

Webinars are available on Galaxy, the system for elementary students; OK Career Guide reporting, Administrative Database Management System, My Ed Plan, Connect 2 Business and job readiness; career assessments; and Navigator, for middle and high schools. Schools can also request customized training for teachers or staff members.

A complete schedule of webinars, registration information and contact information is available on the OK Career Guide training page on Oklahoma CareerTech’s website.

CareerTech Champion: Barry Miller -- Tulsa Technology Center and SkillsUSA

Photo of Tulsa Tech and SkillsUSA grad Barry MillerTHEN: A Broken Arrow High School student who loved art and drawing. In high school, Barry Miller signed up for design classes at Tulsa Technology Center and participated in SkillsUSA. When he realized he could actually make a living doing graphic design, he was hooked. At Tulsa Tech, Barry said he learned

  • Basic networking skills.
  • How to use basic Adobe software, such as Photoshop and InDesign.
  • Career options in the design area.

After completing the design program at Tulsa Tech, Barry enrolled at Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology. There, he received his associate degree in graphic design technology and also met his wife.

NOW: A graphic design specialist at Tulsa Technology Center. Barry goes to work every day at the same school where he was first introduced to graphic design. He said he made a lot of friends when he was a student there, and he is still in contact with many of them.

Barry’s advice to young people preparing for their careers? “Always learn new things, even if it’s not in your profession.”

CareerTech Horizon podcast episode 7 released

While you were at home during the coronavirus lockdown, did you find yourself trying to learn new home skills?

With people turning to things like baking and sewing, some for the first time, family and consumer science teachers have suddenly found their subject in high demand. In this episode, we sit down with Terri Hollarn, a longtime FCS educator and state administrator, on how an elective class is becoming essential learning.

We also highlight the shortage of FCS teachers across the country and the hope that this crisis may encourage more people to become teachers.

You can follow CareerTech Horizon on Twitter @CT_Horizon or find us on Facebook. You can also visit the website,, for show notes, discussion and bonus content, “Beyond Your Horizon.”

CareerTech Horizon is available on podcast apps and on the website.

Useful links

Follow us on Twitter at @okcareertech and find us on Facebook at OklahomaCareerTech and on Instagram at oklahomacareertech and read our blog, Oklahoma CareerTech Delivers. Find our podcast at

For news about Oklahoma’s CareerTech System, subscribe to CareerTech communications.

Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance. Eckhart Tolle
Last Modified on May 15, 2023
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