Oklahoma Technology Student Association won two state superlative membership awards at the National TSA Conference.
Oklahoma took 242 TSA members to the conference in Louisville, Kentucky, and brought home the superlative membership awards for Most Middle School Chapters and Most Middle School Members.
Abby Roland and Chance Krueger from Atoka High School each received the Gold Achievement Award.
Four Oklahoma students were inducted into the Technology Honor Society: Destiny Carter, Rush Springs High School; Akshaj “Aks” Dalavayi, Edmond Summit Middle School; Samuel Moran, Aline-Cleo High School; and Abby Roland, Atoka High School.
Oklahoma TSA members also won nine first place medals, 16 second place and five third place and had 83 top 10 finalists.
“Oklahoma TSA has many dedicated members and advisers. It is exciting to see their hard work pay off at the national level!” said Tami Redus, TSA state adviser at the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education.
Next year’s conference will be June 26-30 in Orlando, Fla.
Oklahoma CareerTech: Education that works for you
The Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education provides leadership and resources and assures standards of excellence for a comprehensive statewide system of career and technology education. The system offers programs and services in 29 technology center districts operating on 60 campuses, 391 PK-12 school districts, 17 Skills Centers campuses that include three juvenile facilities and 32 adult education and family literacy providers.
The agency is governed by the State Board of Career and Technology Education and works closely with the State Department of Education and the State Regents for Higher Education to provide a seamless educational system for all Oklahomans.