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Oklahoma FCCLA brings home national officer, top 10 honors

Friday, July 14, 2023

Oklahoma FCCLA took 347 people to the 78th FCCLA National Leadership Conference in Denver, Colorado, and brought home 46 top 10 contest honors and a national officer.

Olivia Boeckman, a Family, Career and Community Leaders of America member at Drummond High School, was elected the national vice president of community service during the conference.

Among the 46 top 10 finishes were seven first places, five second places and seven third places. The Oklahoma students were among 4,300 students from across the country who competed, attended workshops and speaker sessions and networked with other FCCLA members.

Oklahoma FCCLA also received an award for an increase in its membership. The state chapter has 17,356 members, the most since 1977.

“I am incredibly proud of our Oklahoma FCCLA members. We had a fantastic week and all of the hard work and preparation it takes to attend National Leadership Conference paid off. It is always a great day to be an Oklahoma FCCLA member!” said Brittani Phillips, Oklahoma FCCLA state adviser with the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education.

FCCLA is one of seven CareerTech student organizations affiliated with CareerTech programs. It is affiliated with family and consumer sciences education. The other six are FFA (agricultural education), DECA (marketing education), HOSA (health careers education), SkillsUSA (trade and industrial education), Business Professionals of America (business and information technology education) and Technology Student Association (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).


Oklahoma CareerTech: Education that works for you

The Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education provides leadership and resources and assures standards of excellence for a comprehensive statewide system of career and technology education. The system offers programs and services in 29 technology center districts operating on 60 campuses, 391 PK-12 school districts, 17 Skills Centers campuses that include three juvenile facilities and 32 adult education and family literacy providers.

The agency is governed by the State Board of Career and Technology Education and works closely with the State Department of Education and the State Regents for Higher Education to provide a seamless educational system for all Oklahomans.

Last Modified on Jul 14, 2023
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