July 20, 2020
STILLWATER, Okla. – Registration is open for the 2020 ICBS Show, an annual event that offers businesses help working with state and federal government agencies. This year’s summit will be Aug. 18-20.
The networking and business opportunity event will be online via www.icbsshow.com this year due to COVID-19 restrictions. Registration is available at www.icbsshow.com/register for $35 and covers all three days of the event.
Training sessions include federal regulatory and legal changes, the Department of Defense’s Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification and General Service Administration Federal Supply Schedules. Other topics include the Integrated Award Environment and Small Business Administration program changes, such as the Women-Owned Small Business and HUBZone programs. Business matching, connecting businesses with potential partners in government, will take place Aug. 19-20.
The Oklahoma Procurement Technical Assistance Center Division of CareerTech and Tribal Government Institute are presenting the show, which has taken place annually since 2006.
“We have retained much of the successful format of ICBS as we moved it virtual this year,” said Carter Merkle, program manager of OkPTAC. “We have a similar lineup of briefings, and we are excited to offer a virtual matchmaking that appears to be as good for our participants as our popular in-person event each year.
“What we haven’t tackled this year is a virtual exhibit hall and sponsorships, which could be something developed in the future, but we hope to bring people together in person next year, possibly with enhancements using the virtual meeting skills we are learning this year.”
The ICBS Show is online only to avoid spreading COVID-19 while also continuing to help businesses and individuals network, learn and meet potential new customers. The virtual platform may also result in new matchmaking participants by removing barriers such as travel costs. Early interest has been strong among personnel from several government agencies, Merkle said.
For more information, contact Merkle at 405-612-7386 or carter.merkle@careertech.ok.gov.
Go to www.icbsshow.com or www.facebook.com/icbsshow/ for event and contact information.
About OkPTAC, CareerTech and TGI
Oklahoma’s PTAC offers business counseling through 12 local technology centers across the state. Click here for OkPTAC locations and contact information.
TGI is a Native American PTAC providing counseling and other services to tribal enterprises and native-owned companies in the Southern Plains and Eastern Oklahoma regions of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. For more info on TGI, go to www.tgiok.com.
Procurement technical assistance centers are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Defense Logistics Agency.
The Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education provides leadership and resources, and assures standards of excellence for a comprehensive statewide system of career and technology education. The system offers programs and services in 29 technology center districts operating on 58 campuses, 394 K-12 school districts, 16 Skills Centers campuses that include three juvenile facilities and 32 adult basic education service providers.
The agency is governed by the State Board of Career and Technology Education, and works closely with the State Department of Education and the State Regents for Higher Education to provide a seamless educational system for all Oklahomans.