CareerTech partnership gave 2020 grad a vision for her future.
THEN: A CareerTech legacy student. Taiz Davila’s father graduated from Metro Technology Centers’ carpentry program, her mother completed Metro Tech’s medical office program, and Taiz completed Metro Tech’s Biomedical Sciences Academy while she attended Southeast High School.
Taiz was active in HOSA, the CareerTech organization for students pursuing health careers. After graduation, she returned to Metro Tech, enrolling in the eye care technologies program.
“I knew I wanted to do something that didn’t take as long as four years,” she said. “The eye care program was new and looked interesting.”
As a result of the newly formed partnership between Dean McGee Eye Institute and Metro Tech, Taiz learned to
- Use diagnostic imaging machines.
- Prep patents for inductions or lasers.
- Check eye pressure and clean instruments.
She completed the program and received the Health Careers Site Director Adult Student of the Year award.
NOW: Taiz impressed the staff at DMEI so much they hired her as an ophthalmic technician. After less than a year and a half on the job, she said she is training other DMEI employees to be lane assistants.