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Addison Asher - Northeast Tech Center, FCCLA and FFA

Monday, March 11, 2024

High school student plans to use welding to pay for college

Addison Asher wants to study occupational therapy after high school. It’s not an unusual career choice, but her career path might seem a bit unconventional.

To prepare for her career, the Kansas High School junior is learning to weld. It’s not because she thinks welding will be included in her job responsibilities as an occupational therapist, but because welding is going to help her pay for college.

Asher is enrolled in welding and metal fabrication at Northeast Tech, and it’s all part of her master plan.

“Welders make good money, and they can have flexible schedules,” she said. “I can work around my class schedule.”

Asher also thinks her welding skills will come in handy at home.

“I have grown up on a farm,” she said. “I’d like to own a cattle business, and I plan to use welding when my fences need repairs.”

She’s familiar with the typical day of a welder, and the prospect of hard work doesn’t faze her. She was worried more about getting into the welding program at Northeast Tech than she was about welding.

“I was told (by individuals outside the tech center) that I wasn’t going to get into the welding program because I was a girl,” she said. “That was definitely not the case.”

Asher said her family has supported and encouraged her along the way. Now that she’s in the program, she said she plans to learn absolutely everything she can about welding and metal fabrication. In addition to welding, Asher is learning important career and leadership skills.

She is one of more than 100,000 Oklahoma students participating in CareerTech student organizations. In fact, Asher is a member of two CTSOs -- FFA and Family, Community and Career Leaders of America. Through those groups she is learning communications, public speaking and study skills, among other important life skills.

As a member of FCCLA, Asher is learning to give back through several charitable activities organized by her chapter. The group helps struggling local families by sending food-filled backpacks home with elementary students who are food insecure. Asher has also volunteered for Special Olympics and is on its Youth Activation Committee.

After high school, the aspiring welder would like to attend Northeastern State University or Southeastern Oklahoma State University in Durant.

“CareerTech is an amazing way to start your life if you don’t plan to go to college,” Asher said. “But even for those who are college-bound, it’s just a really good way to start your life.”


Oklahoma CareerTech Champion from Northeast Tech
Last Modified on Mar 18, 2024