Oklahoma State Health Improvement Plan
The Oklahoma State Health Assessment (SHA) gathers public input on factors affecting population health every five years. Oklahomans were surveyed in 2022 to identify priorities for 2023-2028 toward health improvement in the counties and communities across Oklahoma. This information was collected through various methods of printed and electronic surveys, listening sessions, focus groups and key informant interviews while ensuring representation and the voice of diverse populations in the state.
Responses from individuals were gathered at the local level through the efforts of county health departments, social service providers, sovereign tribal nations and tribal consultation1, non-profits as well as additional health and nonhealth sector partners. This information has been compiled, analyzed and reported in the 2023 SHA which can be found here.
To see in-depth and up-to-date data for Oklahoma by demographics, health behaviors, and drivers of health, visit Wellness County Profiles and select the different tabs at the top of the dashboard. The data can be filtered by district, county, zip code, and census tract level depending on the topic area.
In addition to mental health, substance misuse, diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease, a sixth SHIP priority of Drivers of Health has been identified for health improvement. Drivers of Health (DOH), also known as Social Determinants of Health, are nonmedical factors of behaviors, social circumstances and norms and environment which influence, or drive, of as much as 80% of one’s overall health and well-being, greatly influencing population health outcomes. According to Healthy People 2030, these factors and conditions can be grouped into one of the domains shown below.
Improving the health status of Oklahomans requires coordination and collaboration between various sectors and among a wide range of partners. Collaborative efforts are focused on improving the outcomes of the priorities which are hugely impacted by health systems and social drivers of health. The SHIP workgroups are charged with developing workplans to outline the goals and strategies for the next five years.
These groups employ evidence-based strategies and bring the necessary partners to the table. The SHIP workgroups support and leverage resources to ensure alignment. OSDH acknowledges that much work in all aspects of improving Oklahoman's health status is currently underway and highlighting these six priority areas is not intended to replace ongoing work in other areas, rather, the SHIP aims to call attention to and create synergistic work in these areas of priority.
Contact Information
Mailing Address:
Oklahoma State Department of Health
Transformation Management Office
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave., Suite 1702
Oklahoma City, OK 73102-6406
Physical Address:
Oklahoma State Department of Health
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK