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Induced Termination of Pregnancy (ITOP)

The Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) began routine abortion surveillance in 2000 to document the number and characteristics of women obtaining legal induced abortions, also known as induced termination of pregnancy (ITOP). Abortion surveillance provides the data necessary to examine the trend in total numbers, as well as the demographic characteristics of women who obtain legal induced abortions and to increase the awareness of an additional aspect in the spectrum of pregnancy outcomes. These data are necessary to improve the health and well being of both women and infants.

In Oklahoma, "abortion" is defined as the purposeful termination of a human pregnancy, by any person with an intention other than to produce a live birth or to remove a dead unborn child (63 O.S. Section 1-730). Abortion may legally be performed if the unborn child is less than 24 weeks which at which point the law defines unborn child as viable (63 O.S. Section 1-738).

Reporting of abortions is required by Oklahoma statute (63 O.S. Section 1-738). These reports are legal records maintained by the Oklahoma State Department of Health and are designed to collect information for statistical and research purposes only. 

For convenience and in accordance with Oklahoma statute (63 O.S. Section 1-738) the following document has been provided which contains all Oklahoma Statues and regulations directly related to abortion. Abortion Statutes

On November 1, 2010 law was added and went into effect March 1, 2012 that requires any physician performing abortions to fully complete and submit, electronically, an “Individual Abortion Form” to the State Department of Health by the last business day of the calendar month following the month in which the physician performs an abortion, for each abortion the physician performs. This law also provided the information that shall be collected on the form.  Additionally, law went into effect that requires any physician practicing in Oklahoma who encounters an illness or injury that a reasonably knowledgeable physician would judge is related to an induced abortion shall complete and submit, electronically or by regular mail, a “Complications of Induced Abortion Report” to the Department as soon as is practicable after the encounter with the induced-abortion-related illness or injury, but in no case more than sixty (60) days after such an encounter.  Copies of the forms can be found below.  These sample documents outline all of the information collected on the official form which shall be completed and filed electronically.  For access to the official forms, please register using the registration form below.   


If you are a provider who performs abortions as defined by Oklahoma statute or needing to complete and file an “Individual Abortion Form” and/or a “Complication of Induced Abortion Report” as required by Oklahoma statute please register by clicking Registration Form.

Other Forms

ITOP Reports

The Abortion Surveillance in Oklahoma 2002-2023 report contains data about legally induced terminations of pregnancy in Oklahoma during 2002-2023.

The Abortion Surveillance in Oklahoma 2002-2022 report contains data about legally induced terminations of pregnancy in Oklahoma during 2002-2022.

The Abortion Surveillance in Oklahoma 2002-2021 report contains data about legally induced terminations of pregnancy in Oklahoma during 2002-2021 (revised 08/05/22).

The Abortion Surveillance in Oklahoma 2002-2020 report contains data about legally induced terminations of pregnancy in Oklahoma during 2002-2020.

The Abortion Surveillance in Oklahoma 2002-2019 report contains data about legally induced terminations of pregnancy in Oklahoma during 2002-2019.

The Abortion Surveillance in Oklahoma 2002-2018 report contains data about legally induced terminations of pregnancy in Oklahoma during 2002-2018.

The Abortion Surveillance in Oklahoma 2002-2017 report contains data about legally induced terminations of pregnancy in Oklahoma during 2002-2017.

The Abortion Surveillance in Oklahoma 2002-2016 report contains data about legally induced terminations of pregnancy in Oklahoma during 2002-2016.

The Abortion Surveillance in Oklahoma 2002-2015 report contains data about legally induced terminations of pregnancy in Oklahoma during 2002-2015. 

The Abortion Surveillance in Oklahoma 2002-2014 report contains data about legally induced terminations of pregnancy in Oklahoma during 2002-2014.  Due to errors identified in the initial release of the “Abortion Surveillance in Oklahoma, 2002-2014 Summary Report” a corrected report has been provided.  Revisions were made to Table 1, Table 5, Table 6, Table 7, Table 8 and to the related text.

The Abortion Surveillance in Oklahoma 2002-2013 report contains data about legally induced terminations of pregnancy in Oklahoma during 2002-2013.

The Abortion Surveillance in Oklahoma 2002-2012 report contains data about legally induced terminations of pregnancy in Oklahoma during 2002-2012. 

Detailed statistics are available on OK2SHARE by year from 2002 to Present, by county, select demographics, type of procedure and gestational age. In addition, certain reports are available by year and county. 

The Abortion Surveillance in Oklahoma 2002-2007 report contains data about legally induced terminations of pregnancy in Oklahoma during 2002-2007. 

The 2005 Induced Termination of Pregnancy report contains the 2000 -2004 Oklahoma Abortion Surveillance trends.

Contact Information

Center for Health Statistics
Oklahoma State Department of Health
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave., Ste 1702
Oklahoma City, OK 73102-6406
(405) 426-8030
Fax: (405) 900-7604

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