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Patient Licenses

Patients with disabilities: If you need additional assistance to submit a patient application, please send an email to to request a reasonable accommodation representative.

If your name changed since you received your current license, you must also change your name in the Licensing Portal before starting your renewal.

If you are renewing your license but filed your most recent application before Jan. 24, 2022, see our Licensing Portal page for details on how to ensure your licensing information transfers for your renewal.

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Patient License Types

Oklahoma residents age 18+. Valid up to 2 years.

Non-Oklahoma residents of any age* with a state-issued medical marijuana license. Valid up to 30 days.

Oklahoma residents of any age*. Valid up to 60 days.

Oklahoma residents age 0-17. Valid up to 2 years.

Oklahoma residents age 18+. Valid up to 2 years.

*Applicants age 0-17 have additional application requirements and license restrictions.

Application Requirements for Each License Type

Adult License App Requirements
  Adult Short-Term Out-of-State Caregiver
Physician Recommendation Yes (1) Yes (1) No N/A
Photo Yes Yes Yes Yes
Proof of ID Yes Yes Yes Yes
Proof of Oklahoma Residency Yes Yes No Yes
State-Issued Medical Marijuana License N/A N/A Yes N/A
Caregiver Designation Form If needed If needed N/A Yes, for each patient
Fees $100 + $4.30 credit card processing fee* $100 + $4.30 credit card processing fee* $100 + $4.30 credit card processing fee No fee

*Fees reduced to $20 + $2.50 credit card processing fee with proof of enrollment in Medicaid (SoonerSelect) or Medicare, and for veterans with 100% disability status.

Minor License App Requirements
  Minor Short-Term Out-of-State
Physician Recommendation Yes (2) Yes (2) No
Photo Yes Yes Yes
Applicant's Proof of ID Yes Yes Yes
Parent/Guardian's Proof of ID & Signature Yes Yes Yes
Applicant's Proof of Oklahoma Residency Yes Yes N/A
Parent/Guardian's Proof of Oklahoma Residency Yes Yes N/A
State-Issued Medical Marijuana License N/A N/A Yes
Caregiver Designation Form If needed If needed N/A
Fees $100 + $4.30 credit card processing fee* $100 + $4.30 credit card processing fee* $100 + $4.30 credit card processing fee

*Fees reduced to $20 + $2.50 credit card processing fee with proof of enrollment in Medicaid (SoonerSelect) or Medicare.

Adult Patient Licenses (In-State)

Oklahoma residents age 18 and up are eligible for a medical marijuana adult patient license with proof of identity, proof of residency, an acceptable photo and a signed Physician Recommendation Form (Adult Patient) from an authorized physician.

Licenses are valid for two years.

Patients who need a designated licensed caregiver must ensure the physician signing the Physician Authorization Form completes the section that certifies a caregiver is needed. Along with their caregiver, they must also sign the Caregiver Designation Form.

The nonrefundable patient license application fee is $100 plus a $4.30 credit card processing fee, or $20 plus a $2.50 credit card processing fee for people with proof of enrollment in Medicaid (SoonerSelect) or Medicare, or status as a 100% disabled veteran.

Out-of-State Patient Licenses

Residents of other states who have state-government-issued medical marijuana patient licenses are eligible for Oklahoma’s 30-day adult or minor out-of-state patient licenses. Prescriptions or licenses issued by out-of-state medical providers are not honored for Oklahoma’s out-of-state licenses.

For example, among Oklahoma’s bordering states with medical marijuana programs, patients from Missouri and Arkansas are eligible because those state governments issue the licenses. Patients from Texas are not eligible, because the state government does not issue the licenses.

Out-of-state applicants must provide their state-issued medical marijuana patient license, an acceptable photo and proof of identity: digital color copies of the front and back of a state-issued driver license or ID card, or a U.S. Passport.

The nonrefundable out-of-state patient license processing fee is $100, plus a $4.30 credit card processing fee.

Short-Term (In-State) Licenses

Oklahoma residents are eligible for a short-term medical marijuana adult patient license with proof of identity, proof of residency, an acceptable photo and a signed Physician Recommendation Form (Adult Patient) from an authorized physician.

Residents under age 18 applying for a short-term, in-state license must also have a second physician sign the Physician Recommendation Form (Minor Patient). Their parent or guardian must also provide proof of identity, proof of residency and an acceptable photo, and sign the application. A short-term minor patient license is subject to the same restrictions described below in the Minor Patient Licenses section.

The short-term licenses are for patients whose need for medical marijuana or medical marijuana products is for a shorter duration than the full two-year license period. Short-term, in-state licenses are valid for 60 days.

Patients who need a designated licensed caregiver must ensure the physician signing the Physician Authorization Form completes the section that certifies a caregiver is needed. Along with their caregiver, they must also sign the Caregiver Designation Form.

The nonrefundable patient license application fee is $100 plus a $4.30 credit card processing fee, or $20 plus a $2.50 credit card processing fee for people with proof of enrollment in Medicaid (SoonerCare) or Medicare, or status as a 100% disabled veteran.

Caregiver Licenses

Caregiver licenses are available to family members or assistants who regularly look after a medical marijuana patient for whom they are applying to be caregiver. It allows the caregiver to buy, transport, possess and administer medical marijuana or medical marijuana products to licensed patients.

Each licensed caregiver may be the designated caregiver for up to five licensed patients. Licensed adult patients may have only one designated licensed caregiver. Licensed minor patients may have up to two designated licensed caregivers.

A caregiver’s designated patient(s) must have a completed Physician Recommendation Form (Adult Patient) (or Minor Patient), including the section where the qualified physician certifies the necessity of a caregiver.

Caregivers and patients must each sign a completed Caregiver Designation Form to establish the patient-caregiver relationship.

Caregiver licenses are valid until the expiration date for associated licensed patient(s), not exceeding two years. There is no application fee.

Caregiver applicants must provide proof of identity, proof of residency and an acceptable photo.

Minor Patient Licenses

Oklahoma residents age 17 and younger are eligible for a medical marijuana minor patient license, with proof of identity, proof of residency, an acceptable photo and a Physician Recommendation Form (Minor Patient) signed by two qualified physicians.

The minor’s parent or legal guardian must also provide proof of identity, proof of residency and an acceptable photo, and sign the application. The parent or guardian’s name will be listed on the license, and authorized to buy medical marijuana or medical marijuana products for the licensed minor patient.

Minor patients may not enter dispensaries without the authorized parent or legal guardian. Minor patients are not authorized to smoke or vaporize any medical marijuana or medical marijuana products, unless both recommending physicians agree it is medically necessary. They are not prohibited from using nebulizers or other aerosolized medical devices.

Minor patient licenses are valid for two years or until 30 days after the patient’s 18th birthday, whichever is earlier. Patients who want a license after reaching adulthood should start the adult patient license application process as soon as they turn 18.

Patients who need a designated licensed caregiver must ensure the physician signing the Physician Authorization Form completes the section that certifies a caregiver is needed. Along with their caregiver, they must also sign the Caregiver Designation Form.

The nonrefundable patient license application fee is $100 plus a $4.30 credit card processing fee, or $20 plus a $2.50 credit card processing fee for people with proof of enrollment in Medicaid (SoonerSelect) or Medicare.

How-To Videos

New Patients

Patient Renewals

Application Fees

LIcense Type Application Fee Credit Card Processing Fee Total
Patient (adult, minor, out-of-state, short-term) $100 $4.30 $104.30
Medicaid/SoonerSelect, Medicare or 100% disabled veteran patient $20 $2.50 $22.50
Replacement patient license card $20 $2.50 $22.50
Caregiver No charge No charge No charge


Adult Patient (In-State) License FAQs

Out-of-State Patient License FAQs

Caregiver License FAQs

Minor Patient License FAQs

Last Modified on Jun 20, 2024
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